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Say his name! Neville FUCKING Longbottom!




Jonathan Giles

Neville is the guy lol. Loves the film reactions. Hopefully you react to the HBO special that came out in Jan. Thanks


OK, the bit that you say confused you when Harry came back from "beyond." He was alive, but staying motionless. Voldemort sent Draco's mother to make sure Harry was dead. She got close and whispered to him, "Draco -- is he alive?" When she found out from him that Draco was indeed alive, she stood up and lied to Voldemort. (She was always more concerned for her son's survival than anything else. And we can say that if Harry hadn't rescued Draco from the fire, this whole scene would have gone very differently.)

Jay Davis

Right. Draco's mother recognized that Harry was alive, so she asked the question. A lot of people missed that Harry nodded yes when she asked him.

Matt w Lichens

Hey CJ, awesome reaction. A truly epic movie. A couple answers to your questions. The old dude at the beginning who Harry was talking to about the elder wand was Ollivander. He was the owner of the wand shop where Harry got his wand in book 1, and an expert on wands. Voldemort was torturing him for info about the elder wand. Also it was Draco's mom (btw she is sisters with Bellatrix) who checked Harry to see if he was alive or not for Voldemort. She asked Harry if her son was still alive, It's easy to miss, but Harry actually nods to indicate her son is till alive.


Been a wild ride! So glad you enjoyed these and hope you continue with the books! As always there’s so much more depth and story there. Hope you get a chance to watch their reunion special, it was very well done.