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any word on whether or not you're gonna continue the bloopers for this show at some point? Enjoying the content no matter what but those bloopers seem to get better every season

Jay Davis

I honestly don't know for sure, but I think they were actually wrestling in the video. I think the joke was supposed to be that it looks really bad for Trevor but there's no way for him to prove it otherwise. Also, Mac couldn't keep denying if Dennis had full blown proof (which the rest of the video would have shown). I just wonder if Dennis gave it a star rating and kept it in the drawer. I could be wrong though.

Steven Fechter

Yeah the joke is wrestling looks really gay, like the southpark episode that came out a few years before this episode. Also the next banned episode is season 9 episode 9.


That ending with Charlie is so good! Charlie was by far the most innocent person on the show until this point.


One of my fav episodes. You may have to start ranks again, and not just with the gang.


Trevor confuses me in this. He was clearly making fun of Dee and Mac at the end, but it seemed like he was genuinely getting along with him when he leaked the company's info to him, even if they weren't having gay sex.


Finally I understand why you call her Caroline. I for one was only a little bothered about it, but only because I did not understand why. I think I watched every one of your reactions to sunny but if you explained it earlier I seem to have missed it. It's not a big deal but it's nice to know.


No, Mac and Trevor did not have sex, they just made it look like it for comedic purposes. Even in the last scene of that video they were wrestling. But still Mac probably enjoyed the wrestling very much for the wrong reasons.

Jay Davis

Check again. When he gives Mac the stock tip, Mac replies that he'll get in touch with his broker. Trevor is mockingly laughing at Mac's comment knowing full well that Mac doesn't have a broker or invest in stocks. The same goes for when he's filming Mac and Dee fighting. He's enjoying the filming part because he knows he's going to win the contest with his friends.


Personally i'm not sure i agree with this! I think it is left as ambiguous as possible. Trevors quick explanation of, "It's just wrestling" shows that he is trying to cover himself.


Why would Trevor be gay? He is not trying to cover his ass, he realizes that it looks like they are having sex, so he tries to explain before people assume they are. Sunny is a comedy, what would be funny if two gay guys have sex. It's only really funny if people think they are, but they are just wrestling. Also before that scene you see them oiled up and with pants. They were clearly wrestling there. Than Mac asks Trever if he's ready for round two, meaning wrestling again. You even see Trevor using his elbow on Macs neck, to get a good grip. Again what would be funny if they make it ambiguous and then they actually have sex. There is enough evidence to know what's happening.


I feel like because of Charlies clear issues people forget he is just as awful a person as the rest of them, I love the show and the crew but I don't wish any of them happy endings they don't really deserve it.