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Maxwell Long

Hey bud I feel it's necessary to say that season 4 of Community is the weakest season but it's also far better than what people will have you believe - they're just biased because everyone knew Harmon was gone. It has a little different feel to it but the fact of the matter is that you have to get through season 4 to get to seasons 5 and 6 which honestly contain some of my favorite moments of the entire series. Plus the finale is rock fucking solid in my opinion and end things off wonderfully.

Jani Salminen

This season really isn't as bad as people say it is.

ashar waseem

You missed so much in this episode :(


Well said, mate. There's far too many moments in seasons 5 & 6 that are made better by having watched season 4. Otherwise you're not in the know with the rest of the group. Edit: By group I mean the study group


It's all good man! We're here for this. I think I speak for many when I say we're very thankful and excited that you changed your mind in regards to s4. Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it because I didn't wanna spoiler it in the case that you did watch s4, but yes...Troy and Britta bumpin uglies.

Spencer Thurmond

CJ, I think “Annie is the “Winston” of pranks” may be my favorite thing you’ve ever said! Hahaha, it’s so true! Also yes very glad you are doing season 4! I commented before about this but I’ll say it again, I watched this show week to week as it aired and I loved this season when it came out and think it’s crazy how much hates it gets out there in YouTube comments. Maxwell nailed it on the head when he said there is a bias about this season because Dan Harmon wasn’t there. I look forward to rewatching it with you!

Deviant Parker

It's looks like Community. It sounds like Community. It makes you laugh like Community. But it doesn't feel like Community because it has none of the depth. It has nothing to say. The characters are surface level imitations of themselves written/directed by people who clearly have no clue what made the characters interesting and great. They are caricatures of themselves. The only part that doesn't suck is Troy because he was so great at that role. Still glad you are watching it, but season 4's terribleness can't be overstated by those capable of critical thinking. It's far more than Dan Harmon bias. It's like Season 8 of The Office but a significantly bigger drop off in quality.


Still part of the journey to invest in.

Deviant Parker

I felt the same way because I missed my favorite show, but upon further reflection and analysis, it just doesn't hold up even a little.


Yup. Season 4 has enough good moments to keep you going through til the fantastic seasons 5 and 6. One of these days we'll get that movie.


Season 4 isn't nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be. I hope you enjoy it!


What an insane overreaction. And season 8 of the office is still very good so awful comparison anyway. Following along this series a year+ later and this guy did nothing but spam doom and gloom inaccurate garbage comments the entire way.