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Watch "S7x7rr--1" on Streamable.



My friends and I wrote our own rules and played a couple years ago. I highly recommend it. Never drunkenly yelled that much in my life


“Oh, no, no, no, you’re a smart guy, clearly picked up some flashy tricks, but you made one crucial mistake. You forgot about the essence of the game...It’s about the cones.”


My friends and I did the same. I think somebody put rules on reddit or something a while ago. So easy to do, just need some index cards, some booze, and some good friends.

Jay Davis

Dennis gave off more of the psychopath vibe this episode, especially when he took that dart without flinching. When I first watched the episode, I completely missed how much they were saying other phrases instead of cursing. BedSheets! Mister Falconing Sons of Birds! Jeezum Crepes! The music timing/inserts was top notch this episode too.


Damn we got Squid Game season 2 early.


Reminds me of all American from new girl, two of the best games from shows.


one of my favorite lines in the show, "BEACUSE DENNIS IS A BASTARD MAN!"

Mike B

You probably already noticed but just in case you didn't; this video doesn't have the always sunny tag so it doesnt appear when using filters on patreon.