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Watch "S7x3rr--1" on Streamable.


Luke Trottier

This is one of several episodes that pretty much reduced me to crying laughing/abdominal pain laughter, when Frank comes out on stage with the mortician/white make-up and starts trying to re-assure everyone while simultaneously hosting an event, how he isn't attracted to their children.

Luke Trottier

"Cuties" came out many, many years after this, I'm pretty sure. If anything, this episode had more to do with the film Lolita, but it had nothing to do with either.

Luke Trottier

IMO Season 7 is interesting. It's like... For me, the show peaks around season 4-6. Season 5 I tend towards saying is the best, but it's so darn close. But, season 7, 8, 3, etc. are all so damn good, too. And there are tons of amazing episodes in earlier and later seasons, too. But there is the idea of shows "jumping the shark", well for me, Sunny "jumped the shark" in season 7, sort of, but not really. It's more so the show took a bit of a turn, episodes like the jersey shore were even more crazy in some ways than anything before it. But I'm all for it. I like it. And in some ways, I like some of the episodes that are of the newer brand, as much or more than the peak season 3-4 episodes, lets say. Sorry, I'm rambling, lol.

Luke Trottier

Holy shit, I always forget about the convo with Frank and the Mortician that is hot mic'ed. That is the part that made me cry laughing. Then him coming out, excusing it as, it was a "Puerto Rican guy" working the microphones, and proceeds to go into his cry laugh-inducing, white as fuck make-up looking rant about not touching kids. Sorry for all the comments. And nice observation (you said you would save your thought 'till later, but I assume you saw a red flag) about the 'inspector' getting close to the kids. Man, Dee's character is such a gem. I love this episode to bits. I loved Season 1 without Frank, but Frank's addition is great. And seriously, this whole group of 5 is perfect. Side characters help. But this is an essential crew. It *could* survive with one less, but I think it's so much better with all 5. And I doubt 1 more full time constant addition would make it better. Dee & Frank kill this episode.


Oh wow, I was so excited about Knives Out yesterday I forgot Always Sunny would be dropping as well. This is not my favorite episode, but Always Sunny episodes are a lot like pizza. Even the bad ones are good.


I said it last episode and I’ll say it again, this season is amazing

Jay Davis

I couldn't get to sleep for nearly 2 hours last night when this finally showed up, so I watched in bed. I had a really, really long dream last night that involved me being an assistant coach for a high school football team. A good friend of mine in the dream had made a joke with the opposing teams fans that I was a pedophile, and I spent a lot of time trying to convince people I wasn't. I always remember my dreams in the morning, and when I woke up 10 minutes ago I was thinking "what was all that pedophile stuff about..............oh. duh." If anyone in the dream had used the word "diddling", I would have realized I was in the dream immediately (sometimes I realize I'm in the dream).

Jay Davis

Gotta disagree. We're still in the beginning stages of a very, very solid run of seasons up through season 12 (which has some GREAT episodes).

Jay Davis

I always love injured Frank and also the desperate, hyper-defensive Frank.

Luke Trottier

Oh, don't get me wrong! I think season 7 through 12 is some of the best tv ever. And in some ways I even prefer it over, say, season 2 or 3 through 6. It's very close, but I think I overall give a slight edge to the earlier portion. But it's comparing like 9.9/10 with 10/10. The jump the shark part of the comment is more so, in my opinion, the show has a bit of a tone shift starting with season 7, where the show feels just a bit different, and the hijinks escalate even a bit more. In ways that would *typically* be jumping the shark in an inferior tv show. But this show is so good, but it's merely a transition to a bit of a different feeling, one that is still among the best tv ever, and in certain ways the best the show has to offer, even if I give a slight edge to prior. While I think the absolute banger after banger starts to fade just slightly towards the very late seasons, many of my very favourite episodes are in late seasons. :) You may or may not still disagree, but I hope that clarified it, if that wasn't the impression you already had. :)

Luke Trottier

Lmao. Man, the brain is fascinating. I've fallen asleep to documentaries or youtube on auto-play to the next recommended videos, or cable tv back when I used to have it and had some pretty out there dreams. Would end up waking up, see what's on... and 'ooooohh'

Jay Davis

Yeah, the jumping the shark reference threw me as I don't feel that happened until maybe season 13. It's just a matter of semantics really. To be fair, I started watching this show when I was pretty much crippled with a back injury for months. I was in a lot of pain 24/7 and just laid in bed when I was at home. I had to stop watching around season 6 because the screaming and yelling and insanity was just too much for me to handle. I knew that the show was definitely my kind of humor, but I just couldn't take it. I picked up again in season 7 after my back surgery fixed my pain.

Luke Trottier

Yeah, it was a weird way to use it, because I don't actually think the show ever did jump the shark. Season 13 is my least fave season for sure, but I still like it. And I don't find it has a large tone shift, just... more episodes that are more so-so (by sunny's excellent standards).

Luke Trottier

Sorry to hear about the back, man. I hope you've fully recovered, or have minimal lasting complications.