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Nevermind it's fixed

Mike B

I've seen this episode a bunch of times but until now it never occurred to me how out of character Dennis is in this one.


to me it seemed like he was fake crying to try and manipulate even though it didn't work very well for him lmao

Isaac zaragoza

next episode you're going to have to find cause its not on major streaming services.


It's not that hard. It'll just cost some money most likely. On YT you can pay $15 for the season and it's included. (Unfortunately even though you can buy individual episodes, it's clearly shown next to this episode, "season only" where the buy button would be.)


Have you never seen “horrible bosses”?

Luke Trottier

Way I see it is, he could pay for the season, for the episode. He does provide us entertainment/service, and we pay for it. That includes delivering on the whole series, although it's not like there is a contract, and obviously if he stopped liking a show he could stop, etc. But, also, if we wanted, we could certainly have 15 patrons up their pledge by $1 for 1 month, or have 1 patron up their pledge by $15 for one month (although I think patreon takes a cut) so that we could pay for it, since it does require him to go out of his way sort of for it. Shrug. That's if he doesn't manage to get it for free.

Jay Davis

Ivan, is it included for the season? I really don't care about that epsiode so much, but I only got to see the 3rd episode of season 14 twice before it got pulled. You can't even buy it on Amazon.