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S6x7rr- 1-1



Hm, this is a version of "It's Always Sunny" with which I am unfamiliar.... :)


Jason Bateman in IASIP let's go


Lol i went through half of this without realizing...

Christopher Edwards

Oh sheit, I have no clue how that happened yall.. lol the actual reaction is rendering now but It'll take a few hours and unfortunately not before bedtime. I'll be up first thing in the morning

Needless Noise

i dont think artemis is trans, i think fingering a girl is a "handjob" lmao also i love how the show strung you along so much that you were even with the guys at the end with "oh then i dont even give a shit who the dad is" haha

Jay Davis

(No spoilers here) This was another episode where I really preferred the outtake/blooper instead of what they chose to go with. The rest of the season is pretty solid in my opinion, although honestly, I'm not as big of a fan of the Lethal Weapon episode as many others are.


One of my favorites from this season, I love when a show starts an episode off with a really cool premis, then totally side tracks