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Watch "To9x9--1" on Streamable.



there's actually a scene that was removed recently from this episode where when Dwight reacts to Oscar talking about "black peter" and walks away to send a text it cuts to Nate in the parking lot stopping and turning around mid walk from his car to the office after getting the abort text alluded to while in full blackface and costume, the scene still exists on original/non stream site copies.

Jay Davis

They deleted Nate with the blackface and ridiculous costume!! When Oscar mentioned how inappropriate the character would be, Dwight acts like of course he'd never have that character. He then texts someone and looks at the camera. They cut to Nate walking through the parking lot in full costume/blackface (you'll have to google the image). Nate looks at his phone and then immediately turns around and walks away from the building.

Joshua Wanakamik

yes second thought that was a quick transition would cut it at like 22-23 even haha u know

Joshua Wanakamik

Drunk Daryl is my fav...lmao like was so intense and serious then its like....im flying on cloud 9 ...then pasing out on cloud 9 lmao....also dwight...beating pam to the hug is everything to me lmao

Joshua Wanakamik

i mean hes almost done with the whole series now!!!! he can go back afta hgahah

PamPam and her PamPams

One of my favorite episodes of the whole show! The rest of the season is sooooo good.


One thing I was looking forward to this episode was drunk Daryl and let me tell you your reaction to him was everything 😂😂✋🏼


There is a belscnikel (sp?) Funko fyi. Its incredible.


Nice. That's like me with Rick and Morty. Except there are a lot more of them, and some are pricey, and they keep making more characters so it's still a growing collection.

Gregory Wireman

Black Peter is still a thing in Holland.


Toby: "Here's the thing about moonlight. It's not sunlight." Uhm....but...it is.