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Yes, Inspector Spacetime is indeed the equivalent of the Doctor Who series in Community (i.e. Looks like some sort of legally safe knock-off of a '60s sci-fi show with a red Telephone Box for a TARDIS instead of a blue Police Box). And by the way, the "statues" you were talking about in Doctor Who are called Weeping Angels. I also noticed that you clearly missed the very obvious homages to a couple of really big films in pop culture, namely - 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Shining. So I have to assume that you still haven't watched either of those. Anyways, you better buckle up. Because Season 3 is a freaking blast!


That opening scene was a light-hearted F U to those (including network "suits") who had been saying the show was too weird, not mainstream enough, the characters weren't relatable -- announcing that they were going to do all that, and then it turned out to be a fantasy, and eventually the dean says "this year isn't going to be different after all." Yes, Inspector Spacetime is clearly an alternate version of Doctor Who, though the details are different. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that we haven't heard the last of it. :) (And in case there was any doubt Cougar Town was NOT based on a British series called Cougarton Abbey -- there's no such show. However, the show was having fun with the idea that most British series have fewer episodes per season -- often 6 or fewer -- and fewer seasons too. Doctor Who is the giant exception.)

Ana Adame

Yes to possible future Doctor Who reactions! It's a series I think you will enjoy 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Jessica Asakevich

I've always seen this season, the entire arc, as a sort of analogy for Harmon's (and the show's) struggles with Sony & NBC. One of many reasons this remains my favorite season of the series.

Wolf Hunter

i feel like your missing some stuff. Pierce did not pay of the biology proffesor. Jeff said the proffesor would never take a bribe. Pierce just said he did it to help jeff.