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Watch "S5x6rr--1" on Streamable.



I love these types of episodes where they have a story for one thing, and the story ends up being 99% irrelevant, I think the only one they’ve done before was the gang cracks the liberty bell

Jesse Pollack

Chase responded to mac’s letter to him lmao. https://youtu.be/BnPBTozqdvY

Jay Davis

Nice. I'd never seen that before. Maybe Mac will get a chance to meet him someday and have that catch.


Can’t tell if this was sarcastic or not, but I believe a year or two ago the Phillies opening pitch was from chase to Mac in real life, it was cool to see


That actress who played the judge has been in many many series, almost always as some kind of bureaucratic authority figure (very often she's in HR, but also lawyers and judges). I guess she does indignation and impatience really well.