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Jessica Asakevich

I was a freshman in high school when Freaks & Geeks first premiered. I watched every single episode as it aired, and wept when it was canceled. I saw myself in Lindsey, adored the writing (the ways the show tapped into the pains of youth, with heart, humor, and refreshing realism), and of course, one could only immediately fall in love with the entire cast (and such joy, following each of their careers since). Not to mention Feig and Apatow...it's just a wealth of undeniable talent. I'm so pleased you will be continuing with the show, and do so hope you'll continue to do these reactions. It is a tragically short run, the single season, and I've been waiting for someone to react to this series for years. Either way, I know you'll enjoy and appreciate this absolute gem of a show. Thanks for sharing your first experience with it, with us.


I've never heard of this 👀

Rob Flynn

Love that Stanley shirt lol


New here, and damn, you end up picking some great shows to react to. Freaks and Geeks is brilliantly underrated, and far better than anything its now famous young cast would go onto do, in my opinion. One of the best representations of growing up that I can think of, and when it decides to be funny, it's hilarious. Hope you keep going with it, especially considering how short it is.