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Watch "S4x13rr--1" on Streamable.


Jesse Pollack

The “I am up to here” thing is referring to Charlie’s aggravation. Theater directors are known for saying stuff like that and in general being very very strict, especially days before the play is set to premiere. I feel like Charlie got that energy really perfectly. Also, my assumption would be that the “troll” was Charlie’s mom since she was the only one that could have stopped uncle jack.

Jay Davis

This is the most iconic episode of the series especially considering they toured and did live performances of the show. Anyway, there are a lot of other episodes to go yet that are higher on my favorites list. Also, there is a "The Nightman Cometh" comic book cover that is absolutely fantastic. It's the one with Dennis and Mac crouched in the street in front of the bar about to fight (although you can't tell if Mac has a boner or not). There are other fan-made covers as well but the crouching one is the best. I've always meant to buy one.


you should react to the live version on youtube


If you YouTube it. I'm pretty sure they did this play live again for fans


I really appreciate the little rewinds to catch all the jokes! Great reaction bro

Jay Davis

Wowww.... I never even thought to consider the role of the troll!! I'm not completely convinced he thinks of her as a troll because he does care for/love her, but that's the obvious explanation. I had completely missed the "you took your sexy hands away from me" reference from the earlier episode when they first wrote the song (which clearly ties in with Uncle Jack) . The troll could actually just be for the story as it's not completely autobiographical. As far as we have seen, Charlie is neither a master of karate or friendship. Could it be that maybe Mac was molested too? (hence the karate reference and his mom would be the troll).


Puts Charlie's idea of suing the high school coach in a new light too.


I would love it if you reacted to the live version of the Nightman Cometh!


Lol I have a whole rant over analyzing all the quirks Charlie exhibits showing that he was abused and also some showing Jack is a pedophile. But it contains some not yet revealed quirks.


I love Charlie being the exasperated theater director announcing that he had "had it up to HERE!" with people's shenanigans, and then after so many repetitions, shortening it to just "I'm here!" with a gesture.