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How old were you when you first got drunk?



Watch "S1x3RR" on Streamable.



I was 13 when I started drinking (with my mum's supervision) but I started going out drinking properly at 15. In the UK you have to be 18 to buy alcohol, but at 16 you can have One pint of Lager, Stout, Cider or One glass of Wine/ Mead in a pub/restaurant aslong as it's with a meal and bought by an adult that's accompanying you.


Happened this past June at the age of 19. First time I ever drank and I got black out drunk. Didn’t remember the night at all. All I have now are the videos my friends took. So embarrassing lmao


I was 14. I grew up in a small town in the mountains so I did a lot of "camping" in high school. Got all my partying out in high school and by the time I got to college I was over it. I am 27 now and barely drink. I have a few beers with friends or with dinner occasionally and that's about it.


Ayyyyy UNT hoodie. I live right off the square in Denton lmao, small world


Not sure if you noticed or even know who Greg Alba is. But he made a cameo in this episode. Greg Alba is the reactor from Reel Rejects on YouTube.


I was 16, the start of my party years and i guess im still in those years, just trying to get out lol


Nicotine is actually 21 nation wide now, they are going to wrong way lmao