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So heres the deal, I've moved. I droved 1300 miles over the weekend and I'm now living in Texas, more on that later... Also I've discovered that my upload speed is no where near what was advertised so I'll need to speak with my providor tomorrow. With that being said the reaction for 6x9 unfortunately won't be uploaded tonight. (Its really that slow!)

Sorry for the short notice, I figured things would be business as usual even with the new location but I got a few things to iron out here. I plan doing so asap. Hopefully y'all understand. I'll keep you updaded. Peace.




Take your time man we understand and congrats on the new place🎉


Enjoy your place and congrats on moving.


no worries!


It’s all good bro 👌, Thanks for letting us know


Congrats :-). No worries abt uploads.