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Hi, as some of you may have noticed, I haven't given any update in a little while. The reason being that my toonboom subscription has somehow become invalid despite me paying for the renewal last week. As I'm writing this I have been strictly unable to work for the last 72 hours and there's a chance this could last another entire day. 

The animation release for patrons was meant to be on the 2nd of July, and while it's still feasible if I get my toonboom license back today, it would still take an innordinate amont of work to keep up with, but I will aim for a release at least on the 5th.

Thanks for your understanding.



Saeed Sydnor

No worries things happen I'll still support you


No problem Tabs, you do whatcha gotta do :)

Desric Gothroy

All good, do what you gotta do, I ain't going anywhere


no worries! do what you need :)

Jacquie Seven

Same here, I'll just keep lurking and waiting patiently, if it takes long then it takes longer, I'm not worried. Let us know if you need anything :)

Victor Clout

Your work is worth waiting for. 3 days is not gonna kill anyone. Im super excited to see the new animation. 😁


Hehe good luck with figuring everything out! I'm sure none of us mind waiting extra for an amazing animation.


It's all good! And like someone else said too: 3 more days is nothing!

Saeed Sydnor

Chubby kitty❤❤❤