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Update ( NewModV2 ): Added hat to the low poly head, (there's 2 hat models for some reason even though they're pretty much the same). Updated the body too. Rigging and outlines need some work, and a few tweaks to the model. I'll try to fix the skirt rig first before texturing it.

Early and rough look at the mod, uses' Zai's nude I-No body, also she's pantyless for now. Lots of issues and stuff that needs a lot of refining. Skirt might be a bit tricky to fix, may have to change the design, but the jacket seems fine, tbh it's more or less (actually just less) her default jacket. Same can be said about the bra.




I love this! Take your time no rush here. I appreciate the work you do man, these mods have kept me playing GGS.


Look very cool! Pls make version without bra and panties But with all other stuff :)