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Sorry for the lack of updates again. Been busy with IRL stuff.

Also trying to remove more of 21's clothes. Arms were pretty difficult to get working.

Was hoping to have a good body to work with so I can use it on 18. But it didn't work out so well. The arms on 21 with glasses look bad at some poses, but I think it's fine 90% of the time.

Having a lot of issues when it comes to rigging so I might just use the original body for 18 since 21's body looks broken around some areas. Mostly the arms. 18's original legs look weird when she kicks too due to her skirt.

Also have to fix 18's neck.

Oh and I fixed Evil 21's spots. Mouth outline still needs work on the other 21 forms. I'm prioritising 18 atm. I'll try to release 18 as a beta this week... hopefully.

Screenshots attached.




Looks amazing so far! Love it!


Looks like the nipples are too high up on the breats they don't look natural


Will you post the completely nude majin 21 in this wip?


Labcoat/Human 21 has heels on in this WIP. That's about it. Sorry, I was prioritising 18 and 21 had too many issues so it got delayed. I do plan on releasing 21 at some point when I fix most of the problems and stuff. Or at least try to.


Thanks for the info and i think more info on the update will be appreciated, maybe you can post it on social media or something