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It is up on discord and the reaction document now.



Oh there's fanart. Lord Jesus there's fan art.

Santiago Velasquez

As an old school and longtime Anime fan...this is peaking great for reactions. Also don't listen to the nay Sayers, watch the fullbring arc...every reactor has gone through this moment with their fanbase arguing to watch it or not watch it....despite that every reactor has enjoyed the arc and not regretted the move. There is batch of hardcore manga fans that do not like how the fullbring arch injects itself in the Thousand Year blood war arc manga. That is the only reason that its treated the way it is.


It baffles me that people still argue about the `Lost agent arc`, I mean it's pretty important for the continuity of the story. I feel why a lot of people dislike the next arc is because it's not all swords and fighting, but after 400 chapters it is kinda refreshing to see something different.

Robin Crow

Aizen looking like that and calling the soul king a thing, you know it's got to be something messed up

Erwin Smith

The next arc isn't my favorite but you definitely should watch it and have your own opinion. You'll still enjoy it!