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jjk 2x16 pat.mp4

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Stanley Theodule

Toji was going to sell Megumi because he felt he would be treated better than he was with the family because he inherited their clans technique unlike Toji who had no cursed energy


The scene with the rabbit and Toji is insane throwing debris toward the rabbit. 😱 My level of understanding is very low in this show but Toji was happy that Megumin wasn’t a Zen’in. 🤔 So I guess the whole selling his son to the old guy didn’t work out. Megumin is not a Zen’in Jogo All this destructive power he’s melting whole blocks and that does not even have any effect on Sakuna. In this world when you reveal the technique it become more powerful. So Sakuna is not revealing his technique so it stay basc and he use fire so it’s supposed to be Jogo strength. I have no idea of his technique and what Jogo didn’t know. Interesting, the girl that greeded Sakuna and a long time no see. Then the other guy that “killed” Megumi cliffhanger. So many unanswered question and thing I don’ t understand 😅


After Episode. Well Megumin is not a Zen’in So the whole sold thing. Didn’t happen. I think Sakuna understand logically that Jogo want to have the human status. But he doesn’t get it what so great about this human status. The think Jogo should just burn thing until there is nothing left. Why reach for human status I like complex villains. The more complex the better the show is for me. I think they done a good job in this show. Well thank you for the reaction and really Take Care ❤‍🩹