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happy marriage 2 pat.mp4

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Coming straight from discord, I'm excited to see your reaction. must be a good episode. Let's check it out.


It was nice when he complimented her cooking, it literally made her cry. I would bet that she never got a simple compliment like that back home, i would bet my life on that. She's also getting the hang of not apologizing for every little thing, still has to work on in but she'll get there eventually. He has no idea what kind of woman she is, and like you said, he's gonna fall so hard for her.


The moment you said magic is involved, and then seeing this guy shoot something out of his hand, my interest for this show went from an 8 to a 10.


I love your anticipation hype 😁 Her family is foul 😡 I’m glad Yurie is so nice. She needs some kindness here. The husband to be. He must be used to the previous fiancé to be spoiled bitches so that's why he reacts that way first. I don’t quite get the last scene with the other father getting mad. I guess Miyo was promise to somebody else and it has to do with her bloodline. And I wonder what the husband mean by the supernatural family can turn bad.


After Episode If she is valuable why they treat her poorly, Well only a guess but maybe she is valuable for her bloodline but the father saw that she didn’t pass the test. So he thinks she is worthless with no magic power. He may be mad at the fate of having a worthless daughter. Also the father would not advertise this. So the other people outside the family may think she is from a powerful bloodline so she must be powerful. That's just my theory. Maybe that is why he didn’t marry her to the other person they promised her to. To continue to hide that she doesn’t have the sight, BTW I haven’t seen the trailer so I know less than you about the anime. Take Care 😋


This show just got more interesting. I didn't expect there to be magic in this story.