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haikyu 4x24-25 PAT.mp4

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I'm excited to see how this ends


This show is definitely on my top 10, #1 in sports anime for me. The way you can't hate on any of the characters because they all bring their own styles, reasons to win and backstory, all great characters. No other show has had me on the edge of my seat as many times as this one has. It's going to suck saying goodbye to this show, but all good things must come to an end.


I was doing some thinking and suddenly had the feeling that they won't win at the end. I don't know anything past this point so I'm most likely wrong, but what if I'm not? 😱


also, the audio for the anime was very off. I noticed it towards the end so I'm not 100% sure if it was the entire episode.

Ura Meshi

i dont think many expected this match to be as monumental as it turned out to be. For me it's the best match so far slightly above shiratorizawa.

Ura Meshi

Few thematic things that you might have missed : 1) shoyo's last receive was a direct callback to the ballboy training arc where he told the tall guy to take it easy and toss high. 2) This match ended exactly the same way as in the tragic loss vs aoba johsai in season 1 where hinata and kageyama's freak quick was blocked. This time it was them who blocked the opponents freak quick. 3) when Tsukki talked about Hinata having "that" moment he was refering to when he blocked Ushiwaka in season 3 thats the moment when Tsukki got hooked on volleyball.

Ura Meshi

But yeah this was a great show top 3 for me. As a manga reader im a bit worried about the movies cause we still have more than 100 chapters left to adapt, no way they can fit them all in just 2 movies. Hopefully they can pull it off.


Yeah, it only took. Like 2 years to get you to start watching it. I'm glad you did and am even happier you enjoyed it. It's been a long fun ride.


The red haired girl near the end of the episode is Taketora's (mohawk guy from Nekoma) sister. Then later her and Liev's sister run into Karasuno's supporters on the street. Edit: This is my favorite show ever. I've re-watched it so many times and I loved getting to re-watch it for your first experience with it. I even started watching real volleyball and it's a lot of fun, because I understand so much about the sport from Haikyuu.


4) the way karasuno won was by remembering their loss to aoba johsai which means inarizaki who's motto is "we dont need memories" lost because of karasuno's memories. OR to rephrase it, Inarizaki chose to not dwelve to the past and discard it as its weakness while karasuno used their past experiences as their strength which is why they ultimately win