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MHA 6X15 PAT.mp4

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Maanas Gopi

overhaul running out gave me shivers


the one guy in the prison you said looks familiar it was the hero killer stain


i believe next episode will be filled with alot of information. should be good


what if it turns out grand torino is shigarakis grandfather, that would be crazy


I'm very interested in the consequences. I would be triggered if there are no lasting consequences and they can just go back as they were. Episode starting. The Villain has the advantage now since All for one doesn’t care about anybody else. The heroes are all down licking their wound, All for one us this time to get himself out of prison and at the same time freeing some high level criminal to wreak havoc everywhere. I don’t get the Gigantomachia since he’s human, we can’t shoot him with a missile. What the difference between that and killing him with guns or quirk.


The key is Shigaraki vs All For One, we already seen that Shigaraki wants control of his body back. I skipped a season so there are a lot of villains I don’t know about. 😅 I’m curious about the purple hair girl prisonnier 😅 They attack multiple prisons so there is a lot of prisoner release. That is a genius move since they have to take care of all those high level prisoners and All for one is free to do whatever he wants. And the heroes are still recuperating so they aren’t prepared. I’m with you the typical trop of take over the world villain 😅


All those protesters. Do they have a solution or something? The heroes are down but is any protest going to help. And Endeavor, he is not controlling what Dabi/Toya is doing. So what do you want him to do? After episode discussion Todoroki I guess because it’s his family so he feels responsible even though he is not. Ya rules the world is a boring dream. And we never see them actually rule the world afterward. There is a lot to do to keep the world from crumbling. Yes all the other story are much more interesting than All For One. On to the next one Take Care 😋

My Big Little Brother

These recent developments are so dark and so raw. I knew it the first time I saw AFO - the man is pure ego personified. He'll never stop until he has everything under his thumb. In the end, he's a person with a tainted mind and near limitless influence and power - so it makes sense that he also wants it all. It makes sense that he's a twisted groomer, it also makes sense that he's at odds with Shigaraki - he just wants the world to burn. AFO wants to control everything, so naturally the two could never co-exist. The good news is that this next arc sees a lot of character development for the heroes. But if you're hoping and waiting for things to get better - no, it only gets more grimm from here on out.


I would say after the war arc is when the show matures. I enjoyed the direction the show takes


I've seen a bunch of speculation about Gran Torino being the father of Nana Shimura's son but I'm sure there was a line of dialogue about the father having been killed by villains. Back in season 3 when it was revealed that Shigaraki was Nana's grandson I'm sure there was some line about the father. Even if I'm right that doesn't mean it can't be explained away as a cover story and Gran Torino is actually the father and Shigaraki's grandfather.


I don't think All For One wants to rule the world in the traditional sense. I think he enjoys chaos and suffering. I think he wants to remake the world into Hell on Earth with himself as The King of Hell. I don't think he wants total order where he micromanages everything but rather total chaos with everyone doing whatever they want and him sitting on a throne watching the world burn.