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mob 3x2 pat.mp4

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Well I'm glad you're ok. It's sad that your grandma going blind. 🥺 She seem nice in past livestream she was in. 🤗 Time to watch Mob. 😋


Let jump into the reaction. I’m glad mod didn’t go with the just throw a bunch of sheet job done mentality. 🙄 I get it those people didn’t volunteer for anything and they were the only one left so they try to do as little as possible. Worst idea ever to put them in the same team. I like the student council Mob’s brother is in, fecal exam aside. Actually doing a lot of stuff for the festival. And being open minded. Yea the fecal exam was weird but that's just comedy. Well Mob is worried because you see everyone doing a lot of stuff and his group only has a sheet. Nothing else.


Reigen is nice. Serizawa was all worried about taking time off and Reigen encouraged him to better himself. 👍 Reigen is funny 🤣stop talking nonsense and tell me what you want 🤣 Mob is getting all his idea from this yokai “haunted” house 🤣 He got the salt idea and the great yokai costume idea. 👍


After Episode. Well I think the season have a slow start. Nothing much happened. The preview looked more interesting than the episode. It was a cute slice of life episode Mob style but not much else. Right mob is becoming more independent 👍 Thank you for the reaction. It’s always appreciated. Even when I’m soo late watching and commenting ( for the other reaction beside this one that is) Take Care 😋


I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. There's not really alot to say when you're watching a comedy lol, like you don't think as hard which makes it something to relax to. Sometimes I don't write a comment since I barely managed to watch it days later 😅. Like with haikyu gotta catch up with them lol. But glad to hear you like hearing what we gotta say! It's nice to have a good community where you can read comments about your videos


I just wanted to thanks people on Patreon, on Youtube and in the occasional Livestream for creating a great community. 🥰


little late on this one but glad to hear everything is ok. never apologize when it comes to family. it does suck your grandma is losing her sight. i can honestly say, going blind is one of my top fears. you have the right idea. spend as much time as you can with her. every second counts it's actually pretty cool of you that you like reading and appreciate our comments. now i wish i didn't suck at putting my thoughts into words and actually contribute to your reactions. i can sit there all day and listen to your reviews but when it comes to opening my mouth or typing it's just crickets🤦‍♂️😅