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MAHA 6X02 PAT.mp4

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so far so good. it shocked me when i first seen mirko lose her arm in the manga. she is one of my favorite characters and to see her get messed up like that was not good. she's tough, we gotta give her that. she loses an arm and just smiles. she's kinda scary too 😅 i can't wait for the next episode and see her fight continue. imagine if they did just twist her head off. i would protest 😂 don't worry, we'll get some deaths in this arc. on both the heroes and the villains side


He cared a bit about the nomu but didn’t hesitate to sacrifice them in order to escape. I think he cares about his work more than the nomu About this episode they stretch it a little bit but that's normal. And why did Mirko took so long to attack the doctor? Get in capture him first. What are you waking for. I like Mirko Design. The other guys behind the shield guy why don’t they attack and help him 🤨 It’s cute Kaminari crush on Jiro 🥰


After episode I think the doctor cares about them because he created them. He see them as his work. So it’s hard to see his work destroyed. I guess he cared a bit more about the two small one. The double and the gate thing. But he the rest can fight for him to escape. Well Midori has his arm pretty messed up in the beginning when he over used his quirk and got it fixed so I think they can fix Mirko's arm. Ok Nice reaction Take Care. 😋


The stregnth mirko has to have her arm completely twisted, and still fight against the nomu!Nomura!! Need more Mirko!! They're his life works, makes sense to care about the things he spent so long to create. Mocha really saved the doctor, it was kind of sweet but also sad lol


I think Mirko is operating on adrenaline which in the short term can block out pain. I think she deliberately psychs herself up into a sort of "berserker" state of mind so that she can steamroll through any injuries she takes and keep fighting.