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Hi, I've just listen so the intro only. Speaking of other show. Should we rename the Drama Club Tier? Since you have K-Drama now in the reaction Tier and do anime exclusive in the Drama Club Tier so it might confuse new Patreon. Maybe Patron exclusive Tier or something more catchy I'm not the greatest to come up with names. Or maybe we start to put K-Drama in the Drama Club Tier but still do YouTube release? What do you think? For the reaction. I'll have to catch up on the episode first then watch the reaction so it will be later tonight.


@Louie23_LA What are you confuse about? There is 2 tiers Reactor which was the original and Drama Club which was created for Squid Game. The Drama Club is the higher tier. The description read Drama Club In this tier you will get access to all of the previous benefits of the Reactors tier as well as reactions to live action shows. So you would expect live action in it but Attorney Woo is in the reactor tier and Psycho-Pass is in the Drama Club Tier. The Drama Club Tier after Squid Game just became something to release Patreon Exclusive show that is not on YT. The K-Drama reaction are hugely popular on the channel so I think it's a great idea. And would like her to continue with some other K-Drama after Woo finish next week. But then the Tier description are confusing.


The Shide with the burn mark is still a human, Shide would still need to be alive in order to make another version of him. He wouldn’t necessarily die there their would just be 2 of them, and that’s what happened since Haine copies all of his memory into the new body. This Shide might be an older copy that’s still alive, considering we don’t know at what age he tries to make a new version of himself. As a fail safe in the event that he dies prematurely he has backups running for emergencies. Shinpei was the one brining Ushio back, now that she died before shinpei it means shinpei can’t bring her back with him. They do explain that he was the one bringing her back in earlier episodes, but unfortunately now that she died before shinpei looped it mean he can’t bring her back. That’s why Shide killed Ushio first before killing shinpei. The gang is still going to have their memories, it just means Ushio can’t “update” them like how they did. Remember those kids where talking about where Ushio was when he was brought back. She wasn’t removed from everyone’s memories, shinpei will have to inform everyone of what happened. It’s really fucked up, since Haine copied a little girl. Now Shide is with Haine which is super fucked up, even Haine being his mom isn’t the worst part lol. Haine was seen as a god since she saved the village, and at least Mio has a chance now? 😅too soon? They did a really good job with the faces this episode, I was more excited for you to see it than creeped out by them lol Hopefully I explained myself well enough, if not just say which part you’re confused on. Now I gotta watch episode ep18 of haikyuu and mad win abyss and all caught up!


Ok first reaction before the reaction is only 🤯 [Let jump into the reaction.] The whale was the first shadow; it copied Haine as the first human and immediately killed human Haine. I guess now it just wants to go back where it came from but it takes a lot of energy and human sacrifice to do so.


[Something off about Karikiri] I think everyone has been feeling sus about Karikiri. It’s not just you. And I think it’s intentional for the viewer to be sus of him. [Karikiri telling Shinpei about Tokyo] After having seen the whole episode there are multiple Karikiri that may be why he doesn’t remember he told Shinpai he visited Tokyo yesterday.


[Shinpei questioning Karikiri] They did get us since Shinpei knew everything from the beginning. He just wants to hear from his parents from Karikiri's own mouth. [Karikirin is Shide] I love the delivery in this episode. It’s kind of 😨 that Karikiri has babies with Haine. 😨 [The baby is a copy of him] You always guess things before they are revealed. 😁 Also after the first birth all the rest Karikiri lineage is Haine son and her husband 😨


[How they survive the famine] So they basically killed hundreds of people to create shadows and those shadows were better at fishing. Karikiri doesn’t really care about human life. He just cares about his cycle to be reborn. And kill whoever is inconvenient. You guess right against killing Karikirin was a trap😋


I still don’t know what Karkiri is, well beside half shadow half humans or why they are multiple of him. 🤔 Are the copies of his shadow. It doesn’t seem like it. Maybe hi has multiple brother all clone of him 😨 [Ushio not sense that Karikiri shadow.] I think Karikiri all of them are humans. I guess my theory of brothers could work. They all look alike since it’s Haine's children and it always looks like him. I didn’t think Ushio would die. I thought she would come back in the loop. Now I don’t get how it works. So Ushio is outside of time? I don’t get it.


[After episode] I didn’t think about how the copy works. If copy kills then twins maybe? One after the other could also work if he copy the original spirit only in the elder and the younger keep his identities borned afterward. So they would not have the same mind. Only the original which has the burn is the real one? Or would it matter in the end? Well it would for him but for Haine would it matter if it’s not continuous mind transfer from the original? Just got another idea. Maybe the 300 year old mind can control the shadow shield. But the brother just looks like him but is human so he doesn’t have a shadow shield that why he died he couldn't defend himself.


I also don’t get why she doesn’t come back. Mio shadow said when they got her on their side. The past Mio was in the loop was that Mio Shadow never killed anyone. So I don’t understand how loops don't work with shadows. I’m so confused. With the children is when they try to hunt shadow. So by that time everybody knows the story. But Ushio is a very good fighter. I can't believe they are not going to make her come back. That would blow my mind. I don’t think Mio can hack shadows. And Last episode Ushio has special red eyes. What's up with that? Also the show is summer time rendering. Emphasis to rendering can he do more than just loop and start to render? I don't know. [it’s not really his mom] I get what you are saying but he is still a motherfucker 😁 Do you or your mom or yourself if that your think 😅🤣 ok it was funny if we don’t take it too seriously, Ok great reaction. Thank you. Take Care. 😋


ok i see what you mean now. i guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to update the name. i got one. "The Cool Kids Club" 😂🤷‍♂️


Yea we need to find a good name. It can't be what I suggested earlier Exclusive since there are older Patreon Excusive anime in Reactors tier. I really don't have a good imagination for names. All the name I come up with are meh.


I changed the description now it says “In this tier you will get access to all of the previous benefits of the Reactors tier as well as reactions to shows exclusive to this tier.”


So it's not going to be the cool kids 😁. Maybe do a post in the Drama club asking for suggestions.