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devil 2x3 pat.mp4

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you titled it episode 4 on YouTube


First impression before watching the reaction is that this episode is better. We have some good developments. However I can’t seem to get emotionally involved in this series. I don’t really care when I know I should. Maybe because it was so casual since the beginning of the season that you put important stuff now when I no longer care. Ok I’m sure the reaction will get me more invested so let's watch. Great summary. I needed it. I don’t remember anything from the last episode. 😋


The following group are just there in the shop a few feet from them, not really discreet. And they don’t notice them. 😂 Hat selection. Emi just chooses a random hat she likes and Mao actually asks Ramus what she likes. 👍


Mao and the troop he is practical and a demon. He realised that now it’s too late the defeated demons were defeated. That is why he said he is giving up on them for now. And the rest of the demon well what can he do. Also his back story we learn later in the episode. Demons were independent and doing their own thing before he was there so they probably revert back to that state. So instead of worrying about stuff he can’t do anything about, he let it go. “Do they send every human to fight” I guess there are the military and the civilians . That's how it usually works. So demons have civilians also. I didn’t expect this but it make sense if you view them as a species instead of just “demon”


The Ashiya is always sick joke kind of annoyed me. I know it makes him useless but that is why it annoyed me. He seems to serve no purpose as a character, mostly comedic relief and I don’t find him funny. [The power ranger show] Yes it must trigger he PTSD. She saw all those demon looking characters getting defeated and dying. Then she remembered all those people she knew that no longer there.


The Angels are bad news. It’s a show from Mao's perspective. He is the MC. I’m glad that it’s not all dry cut good vs evil. That’s one thing I like about this show. When they go on the big wheel ride without Chi. My first reaction is, Come on, speak up. If you are 3 say so. But I guess they wanted to have a moment with the 2 of them together, and they wanted to be closer to Emi and Mao's car. But still speak up, don't let staff rope you around.


I’ve just thought about it and it’s a stretch but is Emi half angel. Is she related to the angel that saved Mao? Maybe that is why Ramus is calling her mom. Since I would guess the Angel is her “real” mom in a sense that she created the crescent crystal. It’s a real stretch. Just my guess since I know nothing more than what they has been shown in the anime. Sephiroth I did google it and it’s more written as Sefirot so it’s part of the divine creation or something I didn’t read too much but they are higher than demon and angel they are part of deity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sefirot Gabriel seems like he cares a lot about appearance and looking like he’s a good guy.


After episode The whole angel are kind of shady except the one that save Mao. So maybe that why she gave the shard to Mao since she know the rest of the angel are shady and want to use the orb for them self? Just speculation. I’m not sure I understand Emi reaction also. Ok it’s a decent episode. The best of the season but I don't put this show really high on my list. Thank you for the reaction. It was fun. Take Care. 😋