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elite 2x4 pat.mp4

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its crazy how koji is like the puppet master just sitting in the back pretending not to care of whats going on but is actually listening and taking notes of precisely everything. but is actually pulling the strings. i thought karuizawa was looking a little off. come to find out, koji was behind it. one thing about this show is that i get lost very easily. but when we get to the whole grip strength and physical activities that's where i come in. one thing i know about grip strength is that in many cases it comes naturally. you can be the skinniest person in the room and have a strong grip. it comes down to the natural strength of your muscles. i have always had a strong grip and it has been shown when ever i arm wrestle. grip strength goes a long way in arm wrestling and i also never had a problem building the forearm muscle. i have never had to work out my forearms directly. It's always been enough with what i get from lifting weights. well anyways. i have to stop myself there because i can go all day talking about muscles💪🤣 i thought it was funny how horikita asked koji if he thinks he can keep up with her. i don't want to come on as sexist but come on. plus they are in high school. if this was early middle school then maybe but once puberty hits there's almost no competition there.🤷‍♂️ just being honest. i actually enjoyed this episode and can't wait for the games to begin. now im looking forward to haikyuu later, hopefully. no pressure though.✌


[Solution to the VIP challenge]We get the solution. I guess thank the show for telling us but it’s not that useful after the fact. I wonder how they figured it out. I guess the only way to figure it out is to know your class VIP like in C then know the name of every group and realise that if you put it in alphabetical order you get the VIP. That is really beyond what I can figure out. I like Koji's manipulative solution better. The rules are simple . I don't understand how he can make a mistake after he figured out the rules. Even with traitors. And he did get everyone's phone in his class. But it’s true that if you rule with fear some people will go behind your back and backstab you.


Doing everything by herself, That Horikita weakness. She would rather stay in her room and study all the time. You need to understand the human psyche and group behaviour to get ahead in this school.


Yes the question is it a special tes?. Well you get points. You can call it a special test or not. It’s not going to change anything if you get points and lose some in the festival. So it doesn’t matter if it’s officially called a special test or not. The event and point are not very important right now you get points when you are ahead and lose when you are last. The event will be shown so we'll see when we get there.


It makes sense that they decide. This school has a lot on the group deciding who does what. It does test their ability to make the best group decision. That is what is most important in the end. More important than who is more athletic for the school.


Weak people on their own team. Drop out. I’m sure they are going to be placed last so useless. To fake injury. And They decide who participates. I guess you need everyone to participate. Here, tricks on your own team will only make them last. There are no rules, you decide everything for the voluntary event. But again he will get tired if he does everything in a single day.


[Doesn’t that plan reduce the chances of non-athletic people winning anything?] Well it’s a sports festival, non-athletic people are at a disadvantage no matter what they do. You compete with other classes. I don’t get this objection. Non athletic people can concentrate on their grade to get a better written exam to make up for the point loss. Is not like you can find a combination where the slowest member of your class wins a race. That is the nature of sport competition.


Knowing what we know now Kei did a good job objecting on the spot. 👍 I should have known that you would guess Koji is behind everything. I didn’t put 2 and 2 together at first. 😂 Yep Horikita weakness. She doesn’t understand group dynamics.


Koji is an ass I don’t need to explain everything to you. I know he is using her but don’t say it like that. Basically it. Koji ask what the average to get the average but Sudo said a number too high 🤣 It’s easy to control if you are stronger. Just squeeze until the right number then stop. We know now that Koji is way stronger. Tug of war, Remind me of squid game tug of war technique. Not strength.


Horikita really doesn't understand how to play in a group. The 3 legged race shows it. How stupid you have to be to not understand that coordination is better and matching people with same speed. It seems obvious. Koji gives her a taste of her own medicine. 3 legged race with Koji. Part of me wanted her to faceplant but that was just the mean part of me. 😂


After the episode. I didn’t even think about her being blackmailed and scared. You know your the best at figure thing out don’t lie 😋 Koji is smarter and stronger than everyone else. I guess the things were done to him in the lab when he was young.


Koji not explaining to Kei. Yes you put it better than him. Just trust me I know what I’m doing is better than I don’t need to explain myself to you. I get what you are saying that koji doesn’t come from a place of arrogance. But I guess you’re better than him empathically. Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. And there are ways to talk to people. He did come out as an ass there. Well at least IMO. Season 2 is much better than season 1. I like it so far. Thank you for the reaction and Take Care. 😋


Wow that was a lot Classroom and Psyho are always a lot to comment on.


was listening to your review and idk why i this came to mind but i thought it would be funny if Koji was one of the guardians in overlord. Poor Ainz would have no idea what's happening