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psycho 14-15 pat.mp4

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nice!!! i was wondering when we were getting more psycho pass 👍👍


Nice I'm more interested in Psycho Pass now than classroom. Which to watch first 🤔 😋


yay double


I'm starting Psycho Pass now. Man it's so late. But since your doing double episode. Reminder next week 17 has a after credit scene.


i keep forgetting how dark this show is and then im quickly reminded by the very first scene🤣. are you crazy?🤔 maybe a little🤣. or you just have strong survival instincts.


Lol reading one of my posts. I comment so much it must take a lot of scrolling 🤣Sorry [We are all triggered by something] Yes exactly. I was just watching Classroom. When the Girl was bullied at the end you got triggered. Caught you Latent criminal with violence tendency. So you have to become a mollusk not triggered by anything or your crime coefficient doesn’t go up? 🙄 Sorry in advance this double episode will have super long comment 😅


Episode 14 Starting. Ah yes this episode a lot to discuss and it’s 1 hours 22 minutes reaction HYPE🤩 God I’m not going to sleep tonight 😭 Why is everyone acting like it’s normal? Well the society teaches them there is no danger if they have low hue so. Not a criminal here. And if you get suspicious. Are you a latent criminal ? [I would have rip this pen out of my leg and shove it up.. ]I knew you were a latent criminal 😉. Here is the society they create. We all love crazy Lexie. 😉


[The guy in the mask not stopped]That's the thing. They assume that if you pass the scan you're here with good intention. So no reason to stop you. [Scan to Pass] They don’t have locks nor security. Only Psycho-Pass. If the guy has a good psycho pass. It means he has no nefarious reason to pass there so they let him pass. The scan we saw was a Psycho Pass Scan.


[People don’t intervene when they hit the women in the street] This is exactly the society they create. Everyones that has the gut to intervene are behind bars in rehabilitation. If they intervene they will elevate their crime coefficient and be arrested. I’m also surprised nobody at least screams. I guess they soo used to suppressing any emotion. If we remember episode 1. When the victim was traumatised she got an elevated crime coefficient. So to keep your crime coefficient low they selected for people that don’t react. People that react are rehabilitated.


[That not Overlord is not in their programing] It’s in their programing It’s a kind of artificial selection. What happens when you selectively catch all the people that are reactive in a time of crisis and put them in rehabilitation and leave all the passive free. You're left with people that don’t react or learn to not react to not raise their crime coefficient.


[The drone is not helping] That is what they explain in the last scene in the pharmacy. Drone cannot recognise crime actually happening in front of them they can only recognise high crime coefficient. Low crime coefficient means no crime despite what your eyes tell you. [You can do anything even before the helmet]Before the helmet your crime coefficient would have stopped you. Drone would have intervened based on crime coefficient alone. With the helmet drones are not programmed to do anything if you have a low crime coefficient.


I don’t believe you cannot recognise someone being hurt. Cap out answer indeed. It’s not normal. If this society is what one they live in it’s deeply sick. I can’t comprehend how they did not react. Ok I’m going to do a very very stupid example because the situation is so stupid. Bare with me it’s extremely far-fetched. What if someone was operating something heavy and it crushed their leg. I would hope people would help. Now let's look at a less dramatic scenario where someone would hammer something and hurt himself. Someone would help. Now in this situation the helmet guy was hammering in the air and the lady got hurt. At least intervene to remove the lady from the danger. Maybe he’s blind with his helmet and didn’t see the lady there. Ok that was very stupid. But if you see someone in danger do something.


[the helmet theory]Sorry it doesn’t affect other people. 🤗 It just copy the psycho-pass of someone else.🤗 [Armored vehicle attack] No not the data just steals money I guess. [Just paralized not kill] I think it has to do with the enforcer ID. He copied an enforcer psycho-pass so I guess they don’t want to kill enforcers too easily since they already have a high crime coefficient. [The guys attacking Makishima] It seems that there are always dump people in anime that try to attack the super powerful villain and crush such a trope.


[After the episode]. I don’t think you can get rid of our fight or flight instinct. That is so ingrained in our survival with millions of years of evolution. There is no way you can get rid of it that easily. Doesn’t make sense. And in the next episode you see people react. 🤷 This episode was a small nudge. The next one will be the big shove.


[Akane vs Makishima.] I don’t think your lack of psycho-pass fluctuation defines you as a person. Akane is a decent person and Makishima is a psychopath. Psycho-Pass mesure something but it’s not crime level. Well I don’t believe it is. So they correlated a certain high level of something with crime but the low level of the same thing doesn’t define how evil you are. Two people can be exposed to the same history, personal trauma, difficulty , joy, happiness and become totally two different people in terms of evil and good.


The problem now is there is only the sybil. There is no justice system. And the cop has been trained to rely on the dominator. Akane could not shoot a real gun. And are you going to give a real gun to an enforcer with a high crime coefficient? Ok next episode they have stunt sticks so there is that. But let not talk too much about the next episode in this one. You’re not an idiot. Always good discussion. Ok I’ll post this now and be back for the next episode in the next thread. See you in a few. 😋


i try to look at this show as if it was realistic but then stuff like this happens. there is no way people would just stand around looking while someone gets hammered to death. civilians are at the point where they don't recognize danger and i bet defending themselves would only cause their psycho pass to change. and the police can't do anything unless the dominator allows it. it's hard for me to understand how a system like this could even come into play. i guess it was just a matter of time before someone started messing around with the system and exposing all it's flaws. is it wrong of me that the more i watch the more i side with makishima.


Episode 15 [Message at the beginning] No unfortunately. Nobody said why no one intervened. Some say that drones are useless and scans are useless and they are scared. Some say it’s the end of the world. Could not read it all but I’m pretty sure no one said anything about people not acting. Little nudge last episode. Big shove here. [Mask gang in the school] This is really horrible. Two wrongs don't make it right. I’m against the sybil systems but this is just horrible. Then you get the Vigilante just hitting people. [self defence and attacking criminal] That's just something he read on the internet and we know how truthful [not] the internet can be sometimes.


I think I should read “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” Someday Or maybe I had and just don’t remember a thing. The movie is Blade Runner 😋 There are not many people. So maybe the sybil worked afterall to keep the crime down. They are not ready for a crisis. Yep 2 grenades per persone.


Also can’t they call help from the national guard. Or something or other city to help them. Maybe they don’t have them and the whole world is fuck up. I don’t think we have any Idea what is outside the city. Same system, worse, better nothing ?? Well at least they didn’t talk about it in the anime But another weird thing is they act as if there was nothing outside the city. It could be imported tech or ask help from outside the city. So that is why I’m confused as to what is out there. There was a guy that was a foreigner so they must be something outside the city.


[The helmet wearer will get killed] That’s what kougami is saying is that the helmet wearers are victims too. They are used as pawns to get killed. [Makishima] He doesn’t care about the criminal he’s after the Sybil. If they shut down the sybil. No more dominators, no more crime coefficient scan. It’s like everybody has a helmet. They can do whatever they want with no law since crimes are only recognised as high crime coefficient, Then maybe they cannot bring it back up if there is enough damage. So They have to find an alternative solution to the sibyl that where the sibyl society falls.


[The hacker about the sybil] Well he talks a lot but in summary the sybil is in this building. [After episode] Maybe the long term plans is to get the sybil prisoner out but short term is to cripple the sybil so it can no longer operate and they will have to come up with an alternative.


Yep, a good diversion and a blow to the confidence in the sybil system. If people don’t trust the sybil and revolt, it's his goal. It will help if he only partially disables the sybil system. People won't be so keen to repair it after the disaster of how it can handle a crisis. Well the police are slowly starting to control people. We have to not forget that most people out there are sheep that don’t react. So that is their only edge.


[Is it just the city with sibyl?] I don’t know but maybe a plot hole since it seems like they act as if the city was everything and no outside help. But I don’t understand it. Contingency plan That seems like a smart people word. But it’s so true. No contingency plan if technology failed. Live in denial that disaster can happen. 😲 No plan nor anything. And if there is something else beside the city call for help and reinforcement.


Yea the people working for the bureau. The feet on the ground are so overwhelmed. They don’t have much resources. And it’s all because the top brass didn’t prepare anything. They were so busy hiding the flaws of the system that they didn’t do anything to mediate them or have a plan in case all hell breaks loose. Ok I’m dead tire but it was worth it Thank you for the reaction Take Care. 😋


The thing is - what the people saw wasn't someone "getting hammered to death"...they just thought it was some very realistic holographic movie, or some live performance, because IF IT WAS ACTUALLY A CRIME, the Scans would immediately flag the one doing it & alert the Police. Their whole system is based on the assumption that all potential criminals are immediately filtered out, so you don't have to worry about the people still in the open, so stuff like that to them sounds like someone telling you the sun turned purple - complete bullshit. Makishima's solution is almost worse than the problem it solves, because with his full-on "people should act on their desires" it would be anarchy, but the whole show is a dystopa - in one of the movies (taking place after the first season I think) you see what is happening in other countries in the meantime; people are free, but instead of an oppressive system they get warlords, mercenary gangs, poverty & chaos, so just a different flavour of fucked up


I don't say what is happening there in EP 14 (crowd just watching) doesn't show another flaw in the system, but it of course doesn't make sense if you judge it from the perspective of someone who grew up in OUR society (societies), where we are taught from childhood on to be on guard, not go with strangers, lock our door, not go out at night... In this show, it's drilled into your brain from childhood on: everything is alright, there are no potential criminals out there who want to hurt or abuse you - anyone who would is immediately scanned & arrested... if there was a problem, the system would have dealt with it. It's kinda like (not stating my opinion, just illustrating on a common opinion/conception) some people can't understand how Chinese citizens can be happy in & support a state where everyone is monitored & judged based on loyalty to the government - freedom is important, right? Yet there they are, millions of humans like you and me, many of which are completely content with their situation & don't see a single problem because they were raised specifically to see this as completely normal & reasonable.


addition (to your discussion on the end of Episode 14): You say "can you imagine people watching you get mugged & not doing anything?" well...it's hard to stomach, but... in New Dehli, several man went to a woman in a moving bus aaaand....welll...nobody intervened; you can google if you want details (wouldn't suggest it)...so at our worst moments we seem to be already there...


I know this comment is super late 😅 But this is a prime example of the bystander effect, people feel like someone else will call for the police or someone else will get involved to stop this. It is proven that the more people witness something like this the less likely they are not to intervene. A good example that happened in the real world would be the case of Kitty Genoveses who was assaulted, raped, and murdered for over 30 minutes. The worst part being that 38 people either heard or saw this happening yet no one even called the police, so it’s entirely possible for something like this to happen. Also possible for them not wanting to have their hue to change, and cause them to have a high crime coefficient. Quokkas are animals with no know predators, so they’ll just come up to people. People here don’t any “predator” here meaning they don’t have to worry about that, especially if they have lived sheltered lives and not seeing violence. The dodo bird was like that too, thus it made it easy for explorer to grab one and keep them as good. People who were never expose to violence or any sort of discomfort they’re not going to know how to react. They’re living in a place that will stop people before even committing crime, meaning there would not be any crime for them to witness. I’m sure drugs also influence some people into being relaxed, but even then we’re expose to hearing or seeing violence in the news were able to quickly pick up things, that people here have never witness.


I would say the police didn’t nutter themselves, as the sybil system was implemented it did drop crime. Effectively dropping the amount of personnel they need to keep everyone safe, if they did still decide to have a lot of personnel public outcry would be that why “why do we need so many officer if there’s no crime”? If only a handful of crimes occur in the year why would they require a lot of people? It wouldn’t make sense for them to keep so many people who would jus the doing nothing, and makes more sense for him to destroy the system allowing everyone in the country to be free to do what they want. We can see just how easy it’ll be for chaos to erupt without, they’re use to the system thus now that the shackles are gone they’ll be able to get away with crimes. They don’t have personnel to control the crime, and I think it’s Japan that has the sybil system. Makishimas’ friend is the hacker who made the helmet.