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elite 9-10.mp4

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i was surprised that they've been able to stay organized and work together. i thought they'd have a tougher time agreeing with each other and deciding who would be in charge. im a little suspicious of those students that go work with other classes. for all we know they could be spies. this can't all just be a test to see how well they can all work together as a class. im sure there's more to it and we'll see it on the next episode. that blonde guy really is hilarious even though he's an a hole. he really does give prince charming vibes🤣


im currently on season 3 of overlord so when you brought up ainz i was a little confused because i didn't recognize the voice but then i realized im watching the dub 🤦‍♂️


B class is just built different..almost make this school look like a utopia


all the classes have different styles but they all have charismatic leaders to keep the groups together. If anything I think D class' leadership might be a little weak as they are not really achieving a lot so far


It really seems like class b is the best one to be in lol, no one bossing anyone around seems so serene. It might be someone from another class who planted that, the guys had all that time to do something yet they didn’t. Ibuki seems like the most obvious answer, and that’s why I don’t think that’s the right answer lol. Class C left the island, the wire thing might not make a lot of sense since they’re no longer there. Coordinating that many people is difficult to do, surprised the conflict wasn’t that big of an issue. That’s the point of free choice, using your time to do what you wanna do. Looks like class B was living good, they must’ve used their point to improve their way of living on the island. Considering they don’t have to struggle they can afford to use more points.


Episode 9 they get off the boat. Man is condemned to be free. I think it just has to do with what you do with the point on the island and how you act. There is a ton of text in the quote. I don’t even want to go into it. Even If I understand half of it. Look up Sartre Man is condemned to be Free. WTF with sunblock for the women. So men are immune to sunburn and skin cancer 😅


[The two guy from the other class in the forrest] Sakayanagi is the leader of Class A. We learn later in the episode or the next that she is not here. So this guy from Class A is the leader on this island but they don’t see eyes to eyes. (We all learn this later so it’s normal that we don’t know what happened here) [The point system] There is violence or stealing that makes you lose points. So that keep some people in check those who care about point that is 😅


[Toilet] I don’t know maybe because I’m a guy but You’re in the forested island. You can go to the toilet in the bush. If you want to be more sanitary, dig a hold and cover it off afterward. That was the same thing with All of us Are Dead. Making weird toilets instead of just going out of the windows. Now you’re going to waste points on a chemical toilet. [The athletic guy] Yep he must be naruto in his spare time 🤣


[Class leader] You have to choose a class leader that cannot change and by the end of the week if you guess the other class leader you get bonus points so it makes sense not to have the obvious persone the holder of the leader card. [Sakayanagi ] Yes is the girl who played chest in the last episode.


[Leader again] You know when you choose the leader keep quiet about. You don’t know if there is a spy from another class hidden like when they found the spot for class A. They call it a leader but it’s just the card holder. It would be more strategic to not actually lead and mislead the other class. [Individual rise or fall to a different class] We learn in the mid episode trivia of episode 7. Ya not many people pay attention to these that you can switch class with 20 millions points. 😋


[Yep the narcissistic guy] 1 day and he called quit and had enough of jumping around in the forest so just went back to the boat coating them 30 points. [Episode 10] Nah the quote is not obvious at all I don’t get it. Flashback but they show us so little. They are doing advanced math for children. [If you have power and failed to use it it’s the behaviour of a fool] Such a evil scientist way of seeing things 😅


[Horikita] I don’t think she is sick, she just stays in her room and studies most of the time so she is just not used to being in a forest. Maybe I‘m wrong. [Visiting the other class] I don’t think Class D is far off from class B. Class B is just more organised. But Class D has a river food fish fire.


[Class C] He doesn’t care about the point so he spends them all to get a better vacation. They have a seadoo. So that means which one has the better decision here. Class D survive a week with meager resources or Class C living the high life. Consequence. Well he cannot get into negative points so he already spent 300 points. If 20 persone lose 30 points each by going back to the ship, zero is still zero. Unless there are other rules we are not aware of. By spending it off on the first day they don’t have to worry about losing points.


[Panty thief] Well it doesn’t look good for him especially after episode 7 what a supid episode 7 was 😅. I also thought it would be more serious. But the episode treats it like comedy. [Popular] I think it’s popular because we are already at episode 10 with only 2 left and we know so little of what is happening, So think people mostly waited for season 2 to know what happen, that why it’s highly anticipated but I also thought it not that deep and there is not that much happening. Season 1 was in 2017 so a long wait to see what will happen.


[After episode]Cover for the culprit. Depending on who it is. It might create unnecessary conflict in class D. And it will linger after this trip if it’s someone from class D. So by knowing who is acting against the peace in class D is helpful depending on who is the real culprit revealing it and his/her plan might be a good idea if they have more info on their motivation. I didn’t think of Ibuki being a plant from class C. They ruff her up to make them believe she been kick out then she can spy on Class D.


[About Class C Giving up]Well they are not giving up, they are using the rules to get the most out of it. Like in a business. If you know you will have access to a government fund to bail you out of a difficult financial situation because you're a big business and create a job you might say well let screw people over the government will bail us out then the richer get richer. You know you make bad financial decisions but have a big bail out that going to save your company well use to fund to get richer get other people to bail you out you win. That where class C is at they look at the rules they see that if they screw up badly enough everyone will go back to the boat on day 2 and nothing will happen so might as well go for it. Find a loophole to cheat the rules. I guess it depends on how cynic they are.


[What the purpose WTF is the big picture] I think that the only reason season 2 is highly anticipated Everyone wondering WTF they been waiting since 2017 😅 Jerk red hair guy is in class C They show us so little in the flash back another reason to want Season 2 😋 Class A is the group in the cave. We don't know much about them. Class C is the lazy one. Thank you for the reaction. Take Care 😋


Also did you forget about Summer Time Render. There is a lot happening in the last episode. 😋