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Can’t wait to watch this tomorrow along side The Boys!


i like the long summary of previous episodes. i had no idea what you were talking about at first. about cybernetics and stuff. it eventually all came back to me.


you can't go wrong with just haikyuu and psycho pass, if you ask me👍


I must say Gino is very much misunderstood, he's just faithfully fulfilling his role as an inspector, I'd say on that end he does way better than Akane. The way he doubts everything and even his own friends makes him a good inspector, Kougami is the same as him, good detectives see the worst in people, and that's why many of them turns to the "dark side" as enforcers sooner or later. The way Akane operates may make her more popular than Gino but honestly, she can be tricked of backstabbed very easily. We can tell Gino still cares about Kougami when he did not hesitate to send out everything to help him once he heard back from him.


again we have kogami showing us how much of a badass he is. the way he's able to keep calm and come up with a plan. and then the whole underwear thing 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ and he's only 28 years old. im 28 and im a potato compared to him🤣 ginoza really needed an ass kicking but i guess getting thrown is enough. i can understand his side of things but you would think that he knows kogami well enough to know he's not trying to run. i wonder if he knows something we haven't learned yet that would make him think kogami is running. to think of it, what would cause kogami to run🤔


Well when you're an inspector even in real life you can't go with " I know him in the past there's no way he can go rogue." Gino has to think about the chances of a loose enforcer and the threat it may bring. It's especially important for him since his rookie partner thinks the best of everyone she encounters.and trusts them. I know this is fictional but people like Gino fits the job more.


I was thinking kougami had to kill the girl lol, like the antennna would have been inside her. If he wanted to escape he would have to kill her, as part of the test 😅, but good thing he didn’t need to do that. Glad makishima isn’t that messed up. I’m sure ginoza was using this to reel akane in, since she’s being nicer as well as being with enforcer. He doesn’t want her to turn into one, kinda like tough love in a way. It’s kinda when you hang around the bad crowd and you end up doing something you wouldn’t normally do. We know stress increases someone’s crime coefficient, and kougami is definitely in a stressful situation. Leading to having a higher crime coefficient, the inspectors are assuming he ran away not that he’s being hunted. If he did decide to runaway his crime coefficient wouldn’t stay normally, if it was higher or lower it could depend.


Your hair looks great today. 😍 Good summary of last episode. I think the betrayal thing is more Gino not able to deal with the situation so it’s easier to put blame on others. Like if you weren’t so weak none of that would have happened kind of shit. It’s not really rational But I think Gino put on a facade of logic and control but behind it he is irrational about all the high coefficient people surrounding him


[Starting Kougami / Akane]. Getting a little bit ahead of the anime here but I think it shows that Kougami does care more about other things than Makishima. He’s been the most sane about it. Here he helps Akane even if it seems at first that it has nothing to do with Makashima. We know that Makishima is behind all of this but Kougami doesnt at least at first. And They are doing it outside the bureau's official work. So he’s doing it just to help Akane. So far yes Makishima is a priority for him and he is a bit obsessed about it but he doesn’t let it control him and still helps Akane. He’s kept a good control of his obsession with Makishima, meaning it doesn’t interfere with his judgement. In the last few episodes about the girl killer, he knew it wasn’t the same culprit. He was put out of the investigation because they were worried that he would jump to conclusion because the case is similar but he didn’t and correctly deduce what was happening.


[Car driving itself] 😋 I also comment that but I guess we have self driving car right now so it ‘s normal for future society to have them. But you get a lot of wheel movement for a car that is going straight. They do this to show that the car is indeed driving itself but in reality it would veer off and swirl around with that much wheel movement. [The only reason he goes around it is because it has something to do with his case] As I said earlier I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I think he is still a decent guy that has good control of his obsession so I believe it’s false that he has tunnel vision. In fact he seems to see more than the others who put people into boxes.


[Level 2 weapon] Well it’s just an electric stick and a flashlight. So the dominator use is limited. I should have expected it but it is still important for the enforcer to be in good shape. Last few episodes we saw him practice boxing etc. And we were wondering why since he just have to use the dominator and doesn’t need to keep in combat shape. It’s always good to keep in shape but in this episode is even more important,


[The trap] No he doesn’t have his gun. Only Level 2 weapon which is a stick. The water is only to block pursuers. [Backup] Smart to call for backup. I think she should have done so earlier when they say it was a trap. But it’s so cliché to do everything by yourself and not call for backup. You are in the law enforcement why not call for backup.


[Gino lecturing Akane about Kougami escape] Gino is being an ass here. For me Gino has a lot more tunnel vision and let his obsession control him much more than Kougami. The anime tells us that Kougami is obsessed with Makishima and has tunnel vision. But for me Gino is obsessed with his past and what happens to people around him. He has a lot more tunnel vision and let it cloud his judgement much more than Kougami. [This girl is going to end up dead] No She is with Kougami. And I think this anime wants to paint Kougami in a better light so he will save her. I may be wrong but that's the feeling I have now.


[Makashima and the cybernetic hunter guy]He wants to observe as a 3rd party. Well the way I understand how Makishima works is he likes to put pawns against each other. Right now he is testing Kougami but also testing Cybernetic guy. That's why he doesn’t want to get involved. For him the better guy wins. So if Kougami dies fine he’s not good enough but I think he believes that Kougami is superior so I expect he thinks the Cybernetic guy will lose. And get his fun that way. That is why he is not directly in the hunt. More on it later. [Kougami talking about Akane] Kougami values Akane the way he is talking about her. He thinks that she understands what it means to be a detective and more people should be like her. 👍


[The girl falling into the trap] Wow you have to be stupid to rush in and pick up the package when you just saw a lot of lethal booby trap laying around. Plot armor that she wasn’t killed instantly. [Why do you have the bag like drop it]😂 well it has the key to get out of it in the bag 😂 You trigger the trap for the bag might as well look what is inside. [Kougami taking on the dog] See combat training help 😂 [Makishima] See he is testing cybernetic guys too. That is why it doesn’t fight directly. Did he plant the transponder and all the parts without cybernetic guy knowledge🤔. Highly probable.


[I can’t do this anymore] It might seem like her whining but you have to be truthful in your own capacity. If you can’t run anymore, Kougami needs to be informe. Maybe in a less whining panicking way but still. Saying I don’t think I can keep it up. Is important. [The antenna] it’s in her bra. That means he has to check her bra like how? What normal person would strip her own and check her bra? [You can’t fool the cymatic system] Well that is where I don’t agree. We saw in the past that high stress situations elevate your crime coefficient. So being hunted down may elevate his crime coefficient. Especially if he has to put his mind in eliminating the cybernetic guy. Right there high crime coefficient.


[Gino being an ass and blaming Akane]I’m glad Masaoka intervened. When you talk about tunnel vision and being obsessed, Gino has a much bigger problem than Kougami. [After show discussion]Ginoza let his emotions rule him. Yes, that's what I’ve been saying all along. [Will Kougumi abandon the girl test?] I think Makishima just wants to get to know him better. We’ve seen in the past that he doesn’t care who died. However Now that I rethink about it. The antenna was based on Kougami saving the girl. So that might be more important to Makishima. He did abandon the previous pawn. Maybe because they just killed people. And in Kougami case if he abandons the girl he would just be killed like the other pawn and be a deception to Makishima. 🤔. We don’t know enough about Makishima right now. I wonder if he let a way out to the other pawns and they made the wrong decision so that is why they are dead and Makishima abandons them. 🤔


[The cyborg letting it go] I feel like the cyborg really enjoys the hunt. So he doesn’t mind that Makishima makes it harder. It’s just more fun for him and he believes he is superior so he believes he can overcome this. And I guess he knows Makishima better so he’s not surprised. Makishima doesn’t really enjoy hunting himself. He like putting people against each other and see how they react. [Crime coefficient] I touched it a bit earlier. But we learn that just profiling someone gets your crime coefficient up. So getting out of this trap you have to think about killing the dog and killing the cyber guy so I believe your mindset will get your crime coefficient up. Kougumi is not just evading, he thinks about taking down the dog and wants to take down the cyber guy as his best way to get out of this situation so he has to think like a hunter. There you go Crime coefficient goes up.


[Gino telling Akane if he dies it’s your fault] I just had a flash. Gino is projecting much. I think he partially blames himself for his past history but he can’t deal with it so shift the blame to others. That's why he blames his father and Kougami for failing at the crime coefficient. Then shift the blame to Akane. He’s not ok in his mind. And let it control him. [Taking the girl close off] That's really far-fetched. What I think of the series overall. I think it’s a very interesting series and this episode made me more interested. But it’s a heavy story. It takes a toll on you mentally having to think constantly, That why too much of it can be overwhelming. About this vs Gintama. I think for now this is more interesting but Gintama is just more fun and enjoyable because you don’t have to think that much. It’s tiring to be focused all the time on Psycho Pass. Ok that was a good reaction. I’m going to eat take a break and watch Kaguya-Sama finale, Take Care. 😋


also, as far as portrayed so far, he probably thinks there's no need to think; the Sybil system will just tell him if Kougami got closer to the dark side (higher crime coefficient --> eliminator mode) or still the same enforcer & doesn't have anything to do with what's going on (same crime coefficient --> stun mode): he lets the System make decisions instead of worrying about it himself.