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ELITE 5-6.mp4

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I was almost done with catching up to haikyu, but gotta watch this first 🤣


Hi. Thank you for the double episodes. 😋 But I know me if I start this right now I won't sleep until 4am 😭and I have to work tomorrow. So it will have to wait. 😩. See you tomorrow 😋


I’m guessing Sakura didn’t want to testify over the pictures she had on the micro SD, or she was just too shy/ nervous to do so. Still took a lot of courage to testify My guess would be people in class A are able to get into high positions or powers like politicians or large corporations, so it gives incentive to want to be in class A since it could ensure you live a successful life. Giving off promise neverland vibes 😂, and seeing the facility it kind of gave me a theory about what’s going on there after seeing ayanokoji; but if I’m right don’t wanna spoil it. He really isn’t flying under the radar lol, he’s constantly getting himself into trouble. If he really wanted to to keep a low profile he’d get into class C not to high and not to low, it would be perfect to do what he needs to do. I think he’s trying to keep his identity a secret, I don’t know why still; also if class D is for defective why even allow the class to exist? For such a prestigious school having something like that in your school wouldn’t make sense, unless there’s something we don’t know yet🤨. I think what Sakura meant would be he doesn’t look at her the way other guys do? Like the camera shop guy was looking at her it a fucked up way, but ayanokoji doesn’t which could be because of his past. Or maybe I’m wrong since it’s super late and I’m tired 😂 I’m done with season 2 of The boys rn, just have to watch the episodes on season 3 and all caught up!


she realized someone is following her and her reaction is to go off to a dark secluded area🤦‍♂️ no survival skills. guys like that really make my blood boil😡 i was disappointed he didn't get his ass kicked. koji is definitely up to something. he got the attention of the teacher and horikitas brother, what ever his name is, wants him in student council. maybe to keep an eye on him 🤔 and try to figure out what he's up to and why he's in class D. what ever it is he's about to have alot more people prying into his life😂 good work on the double episodes👍 now i gotta finish up made in abyss. hopefully i can finish it, gotta head off to work at 5am so i got 4 hours ✌


Everyone in class D is messed up in a way. We’ll get to know why Ayanokoji is considered the worst of them all.


Ok sorry It will be Extra Extra long comment this time 😅 Class room 5 here we go. I did take a 5 hours nap after Kaguyama so I guess I’m ready for classroom reaction 😋 The quote L’enfer c’est les autres. I had to look it up from Jean-Paul Sartre, “Huis Clos” The full quote is “Tous ces regards qui me mangent … Ha, vous n'êtes que deux ? Je vous croyais beaucoup plus nombreuses. Alors, c'est ça l'enfer. Je n'aurais jamais cru … Vous vous rappelez : le soufre, le bûcher, le gril .. Ah ! Quelle plaisanterie. Pas de besoin de gril : l'enfer c'est les autres” Here the translation from Stuart Gilbert it’s an actual play translation which change the wording a bit to make more sense as a play is not a textual translation https://www.vanderbilt.edu/olli/class-materials/Jean-Paul_Sartre.pdf “with all those eyes intent on me. Devouring me. What? Only two of you? I thought there were more; many more. So this is hell. I'd never have believed it. You re-member all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the "burning marl." Old wives' tales! There's no need for red-hot pokers. Hell is—other people! So the play is 3 people going to hell but they found out that there is no torture chamber or fire or anything it’s just those 3 people and just living together is hell. Wow I haven’t read the play but talk about toxic relationship if hell is just living with some other people 😅 I guess you can related Lexie 😅 This is kind of a depressing quote. I’ve been a big advocate of finding the right people you're compatible with and getting away from toxic relationships. I guess it’s a lot easier said than done,


[Episode starting Koji talking about Personal space] Yeo Kushida (the fake bitch) get way too close to people's personal space. I strongly disagree with Koji that Kushina doesn’t trigger their personal space reaction, maybe fictional people but she triggers my personal space reaction and I’m not even in the anime. She irks me so much that one girl's personal space doesn't crowd people as much.


[Going to fix the camera] My first thought is the memory card should be fine for the evidence but I guess for her the camera is more important Yep she has social anxiety and doesn't want to go to the store alone. “He’s probably a really nice dude” Ouff no quite 😅🤢🤮 OMG I didn’t even notice that on the first viewing he position a camera to record her secretly. Yay for Koji for writing down his address and name.👍 Formal language. Well I’ve watched a YT video about japanese and it's a very important aspect of anime that is lost in translation. Language level is an integral part of Japanese culture and it’s kind of hard to translate properly.


[When Sakura ask about what she should do to Koji] I really like Koji. He seems amorph sometimes but all the time he gives respectful sound advice. [Is it intuition?] Good for Sakura's intuition that she talks to Koji and not Kushida. 👍 Back to the advice, I’ve been telling you Koji give the best advice “You said you would regret it if you didn't say anything. I think that’s the only answer you need, then, ‘For Sudo, for Kushida, for my classmate’ . Throw aways all those thoughts. You don’t have to burden yourself with all of that. You should testify for your own sake. That’s enough on it’s own.” That's amazing advice. 🤩 2nd time I’m impress with Koji the first one was when he advice with the love letter in the previous episode.


[Sakura photo Horikita found] “It’s hard to say just from the face and the build” Lol I guess because it’s anime but she totally looks exactly like Sakura. It’s not hard to tell it’s her. Hmm so it’s like Clark Kent and Superman put on some fake eyeglass and perfect disguise nobody recognise you 🤣 [Kushida receives a message from Sakura that she is going to help them] “I’m glad she decided to trust us, but I wonder why”-- Kushida. It’s not because of you bitch 🤣 ok that a bit harsh 😅 [back in school with Horikita] “You have quite the expression on your face,.. This is how I always look ” She does have a resting bitch face. 😅 But I like her at least much more than the fake Kushida.


[Horikita arguing that they are the only one injured doesn’t make sense] Yea there is not willing to fight and just stand there to be beaten like this. [Sakura photos evidence ] It’s unfortunate that she took a selfie with the camera instead of a video. I guess it is not yet a reflex to take video of everything with cell phones like everyone does nowadays. But she had to hide and she is too shy so that may be why. [Horikita final statement] Surprisingly well said. Sudo should reflect on his behavior but in this incident he is guilt free. He’s not going to last long in this school if he continues as it is. They specifically target him because he behaves bashfully and has no power, not anything to back it up. They are all scheming behind the scene like crazy. Everyone of them is. Except maybe Sudo who doesn’t have anything. 😅


[Episode 6] This episode quote in french is clearer. I’ll try to retranslate. There are two kinds of lies: one about Fact that was done in the past, one about duty: a promise of what we will do in the future. It means that the first lie is about what we have done or haven’t done. The 2nd lie is about what we promise to do. Like Yes I’ll do this tomorrow and not doing it. It’s a philosophical text by Jean-Jacques Rousseau about education. I don’t quite understand the meaning. The quote argues that for kids it’s hard for them to consider the 2nd type of lie. They are more likely to lie about what they will do because they don’t think too much beyond the moment present. I don’t quite get how it applies to this episode.


🥰 about you relating to Sakura posting stuff online 🥰


You were lookig away at Kota so you miss the tons of “love” letters. That a real creep. There is too many sick creepy person in the world that ruin everything for everyone. One is already to many.


[About the lack of camera and Horikita plan] They could have push the plan much further with the camera. More on this later. [Consequnce if someone get expel] They haven’t figured it out yet. [the trap] The 3 dudes did really confess everything if those camera were recording they have damming evidence now. They could have push it futher and get them expell. I guess you don’t know the consequence but you are already an ennemies of the class C mastermind. So might as well go full war and get the 3 stooge expelled. But then I guess this show is a lot about behind the scene power struggle. Ok maybe the camera don’t have sound, so no evidence. But they could have record sound. But I guess they want to stay low key and do everything behind the scene.


[Back with Sakura] Ya walk off to a secluded area that dark. 😮‍💨 The assaulting guy is really a piece of shit. Part of me hope he get in prison and the other inmate learn what he’s done. But that doesn’t solve anything. I’m glad he call the police. You call the police when something like this happen. So often in anime they don’t get the police involve. Koji is an amazing person. I’m really wondering about what the teacher said. He’s the most defective 🤔


[meeting the student concil president] The council position offer surpise me but I knew he would refuse he don’t want to stand up and try to shift the focus on everyone else but people are picking up on him. He someone doing everything behind the scene in secret and not having an official position. The boss of class C. I guess he’s just want power so he’s brutal but I’m more afraid of the other character that we don’t know about. This queen of the school seem more scary than him 😅 Well it’s supposed to be an ultra elite school so those who come out on top will have good position in the world. The short flashback about Koji being in an “hospital” seem to imply they were experiment on 🤔 😂”I’m going to pry into your life”--Lex 😂


[After episode discussion] I didn’t even thought that the current school was involve in what happen to Koji in the past. About the student concil. I guess it come back to him wanting to keep low key for some reason so he thinks he’s better not being in the concil and manupulated everyone behind the scene. Yes I also think there is something deeply personal with Koji situation.


🤔the school about the individual 🤔 could be. I’m not sure but they seem to test them in everyway way beyond just class. How they act is being tested. I guess they see who will come out on top. I guess they let them do their scheme because it will reflect how they will behave in the real world outside the school maybe? I don’t know the objective of the school and the motivation of who set up this system in the school. He definitly doing things to further his goal. I believe he’s one to follow his own advice. The thing he said to Sakura. Do it for your sake fuck everyone else you matter. So he’s doing it to further his own goal. But what make him a great person is he’s not harming people by doing it.


Going on a tangent here a bit off topic. It remind me of discussion I had with someone else about other subject in an other anime context a long time ago. People were arguing that characters do thing because they don’t have a choice. But People do. Koji could have acomplish his goal by treating other badly like the Class 3 boss but he choose to further his goal for his own benifit but by helping others. Maybe we’ll see in future episode his dark side but for now it doesn’t seem like it.


Thank you for the great reaction and Yes I predicted that It would take me a long time to go thru this reaction and it’s 4:20 AM right now and I start to hear morning bird chipping, 😅 at least it’s the week end so I can sleep in. Take Care. 😋