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psycho 5 pat.mp4

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this anime is too much for me! i was really impressed by kogami. how he noticed the difference in spooky boogies word choices. then finding the identity of the culprit by the graph. it makes sense now that we know he was once an inspector. when it comes to kogami and his psycho pass changing. i believe it can happen if you spend too much time trying to understand a certain person but i also believe it comes down to the individual. some people are easily influenced and brain washed and can completely change their way of thinking. i just don't see kogami as one of those people. something big must've had happened to him for his psycho pass to change. we'll just have to wait to find out what went down. looking forward to it. before i forget, happy birthday to your sister! 🥳🥳


Happy Birthday to your sister 🎂🎉🥳🎊 I would have totally forgotten if it wasn't for Louie93_LA 😅 Sorry 🤗


this anime has real references to real philosophers and literature authors who raised important arguments on morals and society. The real reason for violent deaths is for dramatic effect but if you want me to think more creatively I'd say the system wants certain death by disintegrating the human body. Besides they don't feel a thing so it's actually more humane than bleeding out with bullets and explosives that rips through your organs and flesh.


The system is not trying to lock up the people who ARE already criminals or think like one. It is trying to lock away people who CAN be a criminal. Since Kougami and other enforcers are able to think in the shoes of criminals, and are familiar with their mindsets and tendencies, that makes them a threat to becoming one themselves according to the system. The system does not even want anyone who can understand criminals out on the streets! I hope that clarifies.


This considering she said that she doesn't deny a correlation, just that it's the prime CAUSE for becoming a criminal - that's the point I guess. It might not be seen as fair judgment by us, but the Sybil System operates more on the probability of someone becoming a criminal than a "certain" prediction or binary yes/no; that's why crime coefficients are measured in a point scale of several hundred points instead of just "ok/stun/kill" she's not wrong, it's just that it seemingly works well enough to drop crime rates that the people accept some "collateral damage" (people with high crime coefficient who wouldn't become criminal) to be safe

Radoras (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 01:09:49 yup, since it spreads from the point of impact (hit on the elbow/lower arm --> you explode up to your shoulder, shoulder hit --> torso goes BOOM), I assume it's to make sure that hits with "lethal eliminator"-mode are one shot, one kill (he just kept going because he was on drugs, but would still have died in the end)
2022-06-01 14:59:19 yup, since it spreads from the point of impact (hit on the elbow/lower arm --> you explode up to your shoulder, shoulder hit --> torso goes BOOM), I assume it's to make sure that hits with "lethal eliminator"-mode are one shot, one kill (he just kept going because he was on drugs, but would still have died in the end)

yup, since it spreads from the point of impact (hit on the elbow/lower arm --> you explode up to your shoulder, shoulder hit --> torso goes BOOM), I assume it's to make sure that hits with "lethal eliminator"-mode are one shot, one kill (he just kept going because he was on drugs, but would still have died in the end)


Yeah that’s a good point. The numbers reflect on how likely they are to be a criminal and how big of a threat they are.