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What I do think is the sybil system is working as it should, the only problem are the people. A machine will work as intended, but a person can throw everything out of order since we don’t know how someone would behave. If the people in that facility weren’t bullying that guy for their own pleasure he wouldn’t have turned out into a killer. There are real world example of this happening, in schools where a kid brings a gun to school. I think what she means is that he was getting pleasure from cornering that guy, not necessarily from doing the right thing which is catching a criminal. Even in European countries I wanna say Sweden, not sure how many are entirely focused on rehabilitation. They give prisoners freedom to walk around the prison and learn. In the US there is this mindset of having people rot in prison, and it is a bit weird rehabilitating someone like murderer and then letting them go out into the world. A purpose to rehabilitation is to reduce recidivism, which is the chance of a criminal reoffending again. A reason why they mention they didn’t have internet was because it ensures hackers can’t hack them. Also that manager was probably just trying to ensure production of the drones didn’t decrease, since it’ll show people in the top that he might not be good choice and replace him.


Also who works out in jeans??? It’s not even comfortable when working out, and we don’t know how the sybil system is. We might not even be sure that white hair dude is the one who created it.


one concern I can think of with Kogami's "killer instinct" could be that he gets TOO into it - would he be able to handle it without his enforcer-work or would he get violent/have other issues trying to keep it supressed? Another episode showing that even if it generally "works", the system still has flaws & scenarios that aren't covered (like, if you work/live in a place off the grid, you can't get a full analysis done until you leave, which they never had to)


@Radoras This is what a society that runs on utilitarianism is all about. It is never intended to be perfect, it doesn't even try to be. This is a system that intends to maximize the benefits and efficiency for most people, at the expense of "minor" collateral damages, such as this gentlemen who was bullied into insanity here. As long as it generally works then no one would care, at least not enough people would care to actually make an impact. Most people are content on the status quo as long as they are not bothered by it, that's just humanity.


lol they're not comfortable in any situation okay, jeans are created for the manual labour class with its durability and protection XD


Shows that make you think are really fun


I'm sure Gino has his point, if we try to understand it. He's an experienced inspector, he must have seen a lot of shit in his time for him to make those statements to Akane. Akane might have a good heart but she's still very new, god knows if she can keep it that way. "The wise learn from history, the fool learns from experience"


I’ll try a new thing I’ll split up the comment in multiple reply so it might be easier to read 😅 [last episode recap] I pointed it out about Kunizuka and Shion, but you never remember me 😭 At least it means you read the stuff I write. 😅


[Let jump into the reaction] There is something about the older detective. More on that later.


[at the crime scene] The drone has its memory and backup gone. That not sus if it was an accident


[after in the manager office] We learn that there is a scanner that only does hue scan and the sybil system that has a complete psycho assessment. That’s another thing. The company is protected by the higher ups. So the manager knows he can act like a jerk all he wants. They are not going to give them a warrant to search everyone. Even in a system where everyone is checked, some people can bypass the system. So the sybil system has a wait list but the gun bypass all of that 🤔


[at the cafeteria] that so fuck up encouraging bullying as a form of entertainment, then you wonder why there are murders. Well I guess the guy being bullied was the murderer 😇


[in the room where they asses the situation the older enforcer is explaining about the hue] Why is the older detective so upset about the enforcer analysis? There must be a backstory or something else behind this. Weird 🤔 Another thing. If you only rely on the system and the dominator why do you need an enforcer? Why introduce a human aspect. Clearly intuition counts for something otherwise just send in a drone that will shoot on sight based on the sybil evaluation.


[when they trap the guy] That kind of an extreme methode pushing the guy to murder to proove he is a murderer. Also the disc the murderer holding in his hand has Johnny Mnemonic written on it. It's a 1995 movie but I don't get the reference here. I barely remember the movie.


[After the murderer reveal his hands] He got bullied and he is stuck in this job because that is where Sybil job evaluation put him. If he’s just paralysed at least he’s going to get treatment and may be able to recover. They trust the gun a lot. Akane was just behind it. I don't know if she could have been hit by the blast passing through the robot. 🤔


[after episode review] I think in this episode Kogami has a lot more of a hunter pursuing his prey than the first episode. The first episode he seems more jaded and does not care that much. This one he pursued with intensity. I guess that's why they need people with high crime coefficient to get the job done. Also he was attacked by drones. It’s a much more stressful situation than the lone rapist and victim in episode 1. So Akane saw Kogami that intense for the first time. That is why she sees him as a carnivore hunting prey. But compagnies approved bullying is so fuck up. And they know they can get away with it because they are a ministry company 😤 Yes you can get away with anything if you don’t fuck your hue up. The manager was probably super happy with himself letting others be bullied and covering up so the production doesn't go down. So clean hue since in his mind he has nothing to worry about. No conscience to brother him and mess up his hue, That sick as fuck. I’m also very curious about Ginoza. That's all for now. Very interesting show. So is it better in one comment or split it up or it doesn’t matter.😅 Take Care.😋


Here's the thing, this is not far away from reality. Bullying as entertainment can be seen all throughout our society, schools, workplace etc. People love to prey on the weak and the herd mentality always drops the individual's intelligence to rock bottom


@Swan because bullying is prevalent and not far from reality doesn't mean it's acceptable. Sorry one of my trigger I just don't like it. And it make it worst when the system accept it and make it normal and encourage it.


Of course I'm not trying to say accept it, just trying to say that this is not a fictional concept at all.


With or without the Sybil system, this is going to happen. It's not the machine's issue, it was humanity all along. Sybil system is a man-made machine as well, it didn't come out of nowhere.


@Swan. Sure it's an human problem. I was more commenting on how flaw the scan system is. The guy getting Bullied get a yellow green hue. The bully get a green normal hue. The manager that laugh it off get a green hue. Ok maybe Sibyl could have made a distinction and found them bad since they don't get real Sybil inside the Factory. But as we saw in episode 1 being a victim elevated drastically your Latent criminal coefficient. And the younger enforcer was in the system since age 5 because of elevated latent criminal coefficient. The system is flawed. And it make an interesting show.


It also about the society that accept the Sibyl systems. And I'm curious about why Gino get so triggered


I think they were fudging the hue checks to some extent, none of them were actually checked by the sybil system, they were just internal scanners that they had. Another motive they had for not letting them check them with their dominators was probably because almost everyone there would show up as latent criminals based on how they are acting. That's just my personal opinion on what happened though.