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the suspense is good on this one. i wonder if there are more copies already out there. i got so many questions hopefully we get answers on the next one


I added a clip to my review on the YouTube reaction so be sure to check that one out too once it’s posted tomorrow. It’s towards the end of the review.


Hi Kota 👋😻. Bye Kota 😸 [Jump into the reaction] So when he’s “dead” he can time travel and observe earlier events? 🤔. They will use it to reveal clues as they go along. He’s in shock. Your first reaction when you die it’s not hey I’m in Re-zero 😅. I guess he can’t process it so the most logical explanation right at this moment is he dreams all this. Catch her well we see later that is not that great to catch her. She just flips on the water. So it’s fine. [At the funeral] Now that I watch for the 2nd time the flash is one of the shadows making a copy of someone, I think. [When they are outside with Shadow Mio] It’s interesting we see more of what happening so the cop in the first show was a shadow most of the episode. I think the flash is just like a photo so they can reproduce somebody 🤔 That really mysterious who was copied at the funeral. I don’t think you need to be dead to be copied since you can see your doppelganger and Mio is not dead and she had a shadow. Mio Shadow said her attempt failed so Mio copy was there before the bike break incident so before the funeral. So it’s somebody else that was copied. I think in the first episode we had the real Mio in the house. The shadow only appears at the end with the pistol to kill them. I don’t think they want to draw attention to themself so it will be out of view if she kill Mio she said she can’t just walk in and shoot people. I just noticed something when shadow sheriff told shadow Mio are you going to copy him shado Mio said he’s already. So maybe they copied Shinpei at the funeral? 🤔 But Ushio is a spirit so it’s even more mysterious. 😅 Yea Catch her is not the best. The two first times Mio was found she just did a flip in the water now you’re drowning and Mio has to jump in to save you. It’s worse if you catch her. 😅 So the girl from the boat with the glass knows about the shadow that why she was spying on the funeral. [when he notice his eye color] 🤣 lol at the reaction. I guess he hasn’t looked into a mirror recently. 🤣 But I do wonder why nobody else notice. It might just be him seeing it and the viewer. [After episode] This show is good and people have been commenting that it get even better it’s just starting. The Sheriff didn’t come to the house, Shinpei made him go downtown for a fake bar fight report. Mio Shadow went into the mountain. She doesn't have a gun this time, only a knife. So Maybe the Girl in black will have a better chance since she won’t get shot. I’m not sure the touching is necessary for the copy. I’ll go with the theory that Shinpei was copied at the funeral since Shadow Mio said it’s not necessary to copy him after she knifed him. I really like this showI think they are going to reveal clues little by little. Like the first episode we only saw Mio outside and the sheriff talking to her. Then in this episode we see more that he was killed the first time and that how Mio has the gun. Next time we’ll know a bit more then more so it’s on purpose that everything is a mystery after 2 episodes. That was fun. I love hearing your thought process in those episode See you next time Take Care. 😋