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Ok I was going to sleep, but I can anymore lol.


I had an internship at the HQ of the police force. Let’s just say that job is not for everyone. Whether there’s a AI playing god or not, they need to live with some messed up shit every day. What I said kinda explains what the old enforcer said, the more crime he cracked, the higher his criminal coefficiency was. That’s inevitable when you deal with criminals for so long, you have to understand them to catch them, and in that process you become less and less different.


Currently watching Gintama. This one will have to wait until tomorrow since I have to sleep soon and it will take me much longer to comment. Gintama is easier it's just comedy. 😋


Well in a nut shell, the system determines what work you’ll be good at, based on its analysis of your abilities. If it determines you’re too stupid to be in chemical engineering then it will not recommend you that career path. It sounds authoritative but is our standardise tests and pyramid style college system that much different from it? It does in a sense rob your “choice” but do we really have free will in that regard without the system? For many people, we either follow our parents’ footsteps, or what we’re good at, or what makes the most money. How often do we really choose a job we are genuinely passionate about, even if we’re bad at it?


50 episodes later I found myself very wrong on that after the author stopped messing around XD


this show just gives me a headache in a good way. it's really good 👍


Criminology is about figuring out what makes criminals think, and ways we can stop them from committing a crime. The movie minority report is basically stopping crimes before they happen, so the question lies if the person is guilty when they have yet to commit the crime. In some cases you can be convicted when you get to commit a crime, let’s say a potential shooter. The courts have to prove mens rea “guilty mind” that you had the intention of committing the crime, actus rea “criminal act” if they can prove that you can be convicted. We can have all the deterrence, but crime will always happen. If they think they can get away with it they’ll commit a crime, if the opportunity presents itself. A lot of police officers aren’t suited for the job, it’s a high stress job where you might see things that you never wanted to see, my prof told me some stuff he had to see. You need to be able to deal with the stress of the job, not just bottle everything up until you explode.


Man interning at the headquarters was mind blowing for me. I had an officer greet me after lunch casually talking about how he picked up a dude’s head a block away from where he jumped 10 minutes ago. Or that other time one officer said he shot a dude’s head 3 times to stop him from detonating a bomb. I can totally understand how they can potentially become latent criminals with the shit they had to witness


Are you saying he was a police officer before getting flagged. So his job as an officer effected his psycho pass?


I don’t think he told us anything about his past yet. I just talked about how he described himself. The more criminals he cracked down, the worse he became


Well I wrote a really long comment and it didn't post I guess lol..... Glad you enjoying this!!! Shinya is Kougami, Kagari is the orang haired flirty guy. The preventative arrests are so hard to consider, even the guy in this episode said "I haven't done anything yet" insinuating he was going to do something. As well as it's less of an arrest and put in jail as much as it is forced mental care. They can be rehabilitated and allowed back into the world, the ones with no chance of rehabilitation seem to be less common. Most of the population would have gone to therapy themselves before they got to the point of stalking someone at a mall and getting caught on scanners. Can't wait for more Psycho-Pass. As for your shows I don't think you should keep dropping shows unless you are not enjoying the show yourself, even if it means we are slower or some need to go on the backburner, a lot of dropped shows can be a red flag for me when I'm looking for a reactor. I also think you should do just current shows that are popular or you like on youtube and then have 2 or so patreon exclusive older shows, that you could edit for youtube later if there is a slow season or something. You could do like episode 1 on youtube to promote patreon, but it could cut down on how much editing you have to do during busy seasons like this. I think the drama club should just be kdrama's or movies etc. instead of just some specific anime so you don't have to worry about moving them or putting them on youtube later etc. and it makes it it's on unique content for that tier. Most of all though just do what works for you, seeing you enjoy shows makes all of it better in the end.


Regarding the "group stress": in the last episode, they mentioned "Psycho Hazard" - like when the victim's psycho-pass got clouded because of the guy abducting her, stressed people around you can stress you out in return, even if you're not on "needs mental care"-level, so the supplements are likely to prevent a downward spiral in the area


I guess he might just as well have been talking about his job as an enforcer, constantly dealing with finding & paralyzing/killing (latent) criminals - also, if you do stuff like that I imagine you either grow jaded or stress out if you made the right call shooting x/y/z... "if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"


Emotions, particularly fear and anger, spreads fast like a wild fire


[in her apartment when she wake up] Her alarm clock would get on my nerve first thing in the morning 😅 They have hologram technology that might as well use it. Pretty dope. Calorie intake tracking that’s another thing that would get on my nerves. Have to be careful otherwise I would be tag as unstable 😇 Your face at the food. 😄 Ya it doesn’t look appetizing. Supplement to prevent mental contamination sound like pills to control whatever mental state they are in, 😕 [when she with her friend] The conversation with her friend. They are surprised that her scan stays normal after this. Goes to show that anything can make your scan cloud and label you as a latent criminal. Great system (sarcastic) Sybil is really a god. It determined everything. What job you have if you live or die. I think they predict the general population stress level like they predict weather. It’s anticipated that it’s level 3 whatever level that is. I don’t know if you notice but the girl enforcer was fixing her tie when she came out and the blond analyst puting back her stocking 😉😇 [when the enforcer and Akane went to the mall to apprehend the latent criminal] The holo suit. Make it impossible for normal citizens to identify which cop did what. 🤔 The older enforcer I think he just have a criminal mind so it’s perfect to fish out other criminals. That's my guess. Since the beginning they say the inspector just has to follow along and let the enforcer do their job. So they may not have a criminal mind? 🤔 I agree with you the whole enforcer latent criminal working for us is sus. [During dinner with the younger brown hair enforcer] Akane, she a genius. So that maybe why she is stronger mentally and can aim pretty well. She aces all her exam on everything. Latent criminal since he was 5. So not much of a choice in this society. Sybil has no trouble labeling 5 year old as criminal. I think he’s just frustrated since he has no choice at all and she ace everything and could chose anything so he pissed at the system. Ask her again why she chose this job, I don’t know what he expected for an answer. Maybe nothing just a way to get his frustration out [In the hospital with the enforcer she shot] The enforcer has been doing it for so long that he only follow the gun without thinking. There is no judgement. The person that created Sybil had created a perfect system where it control everything. Very little human interpretation on what is right or wrong. 🤗That what Akane needed to hear. That she matter that she did the right thing. All days they’ve told her. You don’t have to do anything just follow along and observe. It goes back to your discussion about being needed. [afterward when she was question by the older inspector] This system is fuck up when they label someone as irrecuperable and to be killed when they clearly can work with her and heal her [the victim] It goes to show that the system is wrong sometime. I would say often even but we haven’t seen enough to say they are wrong often. Just my guts feeling base on how everything escalated last episode. [after episode discussion] The system is supposed to prevent people from commiting crime. But the only mass murderer is Sybil and it can do whatever it wanted. The system seems rigged to get people to work for them by labeling them as latent criminals. I do wonder if they receive some therapy or are just let free so they keep their scan high. And can they get a too high scan so they have to be eliminated? The situation for the enforcer really sucks, they are prisoners. They have to do what they are told. Until they are no longer useful. We know nothing about retirement for them but I don’t think they will just retire peacefully at the end of their useful “career” There is really no way out. And the system they live in is not really healthy to lower your psych level. It’s a great anime to react to. Can’t wait to see more. Take Care. 😋