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parasyte 24 pat.mp4

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This show needed another season! 🥲 It happened in the past people trying to conform people to their way of thinking, like the native Americans either change their way of life. They were not given a lot of choice in that decision either, and that murderer sees people as almost deceiving themselves from their true nature. While he sees himself as the only one who is not lying to himself. He did make a point a few hundred years ago people would kill each other without there being any consequences, our society has placed rules on what is okay and what is not okay; which kinda throws away those who do not conform to it. Migi and shinichi learned to coexist together regardless of how different they were, and we as humans who are more similar still haven’t learned to coexist. We fight each other over differences, when it might not warrant those acts. It is a difficult thing to do what murano did, she was willing to accept shinichi even after all the changes he went through which speaks volumes to her character. That murderer needed someone who could relate to both a human and a monster, and shinichi was perfect for that. I’m sure shinichi might’ve agreed with him a little 😂, but besides that the murderer was seeking validation as a way of approval that the acts he committed were right. I know what you mean, not crazy 😂. Someone like a poacher who hunts endangered animals we might be more willing to say they should die, while in other cases something like killling an animal to save themselves we might not impose the same punishment. So it’s hard making that black and white line that either you think killing is ok, or that is should never happen. Usually somewhere in the middle. You just reminded me of a manga with that exact premise 😂 where murderers are shipped to an island and removed from society. I mean not sure everyone should repeat mosquitoes.... 😂 kidding (only partly). Their should be respect for all life, instead of abusing them for our benefit/entertainment. I do think you like these kinds of shows a lot more than other ones lol, and it was a really fun series with a great opening. Also sorry for the long review 😅


Unfortunately people are all full of good will until it affects them. Myself included, I’m not perfect. On the other hand we should belittle the effort we take. We might not do everything to better the environment but many are doing a small part and it accumulated and helped in the end. I think Shinichi killed Gotou because in the end he knew Gotou was just there to fight and kill. He acted on that fact and not some idea of preservation or other abstract thing. Gotou is a killer and it's real and now. Reaction Start. It started with in the end nobody know what they are. I think the environment was pushed by the mayor guy but we don’t know their purpose. I’m not sure I understand all the reasons for Migi to go away. But I guess he will do some self reflection. But he said that it’s not like they're going to die anytime soon so he might come back in the future when he’s done with his self reflection. It’s human arrogance to think we understand how other life forms feel. Maybe that's the lesson in Migi leaving. We don’t have to understand his reason. My first thought when he went after the killer was no, don't leave her alone. 😣 Stupidest decision. Don’t go after the killer. Stay safe, protect her. 😭 The killer, I don’t remember his name, it’s just doing it because he a sick psychopath that think that it’s normal human behavior to be a serial killer and he doesn’t understand why other aren't like him. You notice more things than me. With his hand hanging over. This episode nearly killed me. I really thought she was dead. I agree with you it’s not about the earth. The earth thing seems forced. It’s more about understanding each other. After episode, “Why do we have to force our standard on other people?” “Even if we couldn't understand each other we respected each other” That’s a gem there. Searching for words 😅 All the time. That really deep thought and I think we need them. Food for thought. I love your thoughts even tho I don’t have any answer. I think it was one of the better episodes of the show. A lot to think about. . Take Care. 😋