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Diego Zenhäusern

I have to say I was impressed when Connie pulled the trigger! It's really sad that it had to come so far but it shows that he's firmly decided on his stance to protect the world instead of Eldia.


It is easier to blame others, than to reflect on the sins you have committed. I get where Magath is coming from, and takes a lot to admit that and apologize. Kiyomi azumabito the lady floch tried to kill, she isn’t an ackerman. Mikasa has azumabito blood in her, but the azumabito don’t have ackerman blood in them. We finally got to see Annie’s titan again, and the azumabito were the ones who created that flying boat (plane) so they’re the only ones who know how it works as well as how to put the wings ons. Got to see bertholdt as well, and how Armin also had to make a difficult choice, someone has to do it. Connie had to make that choice to ensure they could save the boat. Now I have to get back to studying for my midterm 😅, so thank you for the early post!


As impressive as it may be, that made my blood boil. I'd never shoot my friends in the face to 'save the world' who wishes me dead. Then again I'm not a saint.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, admitting a fault (to yourself or to others) is really difficult, so I'm very impressed by Magath for having rhis kind of self-awareness!


Whether you like him or not, we gotta appreciate Floch’s character development. He went from a cannon fodder that couldn’t do anything but shiver from the titans to someone leading a whole army against 4 titans and an Ackerman.


I was also confuse when Hange look at the cloud and we didn’t see anything 😅 Unfortunately I think we are at a point where there is little reconciliation possible between the Yagerist and what this group wants to do. It comes down to how far are you willing to go. It came up in last week's episode. How far are you willing to go to prevent genocide. I think I'm starting to understand what Swan was saying. Do you believe you’ll do what it take to prevent genocide or not. It’s way too late to save everyone. They should have acted way sooner years sooner. But hindsight is 20/20 so I get them. It’s not an easy decision. Nothing will be easy from now on. They have to accept that if they are willing to go with this path. The easy decision is just stay home holed up and wait till the Yaegerist wins and kills everyone. It takes conviction to do what you believe is right. And It’s extremely hard. I don’t say I would have the courage to act or I’m better. I have never been in this situation. Maybe I would holed up and waited until everything passed. What Annie has been saying. They lived with the Eldian for a while and decided to breach the wall in the process, killing a lot of people they were living with and became friends with. Good decision bad decision now everything will come to misery. There is no happy ending anymore. Magath prouve my point of what I’ve been saying all this time. If he, a Marley high ranking officer, can admit that he is wrong. There was hope to convince the world that the Eldian aren’t the devil they have been painted to be. But now it’s a bit too late. They already started to kill the whole village indiscriminately. So it’s going to be next to impossible to convince the world they aren't the devil. The only sliver of hope is to kill Eren and do a kind of Nuremberg trials. To convince the world that they renounce the war and condemn what has been done. Even then a lot of people won’t believe them. I’ve mentioned it in my previous episode discussion. Before this nobody had seen Paradise eldian for 100-200 years no nobody living. Now the world witnesses what kind of people they are. Kudo to Magath. I believe before Eren acted on his plan that we could convince more people to rethink like him. I fully agree with what the Azumabito lady’s have been saying. They only made the world smaller. And Flock. what way to convince someone to do your bidding. We will kill all your people but don’t worry, help us now. Well I applaud Armin for coming up with a plan. Even if it didn’t work in the end. 😂Lol their faces are so sus. I think that is the point of the flying boat. They can’t catch up with Eren on horse. But I still haven’t heard of what they are going to do when they catch up with Eren. Just talk to him? You need a contingency plan. It’s all good not killing your friend but those friends didn’t hesitate to fire on Armin. As long as they are safe they can let them run wild. So Annie and Reiner can wreak havoc topside. 😞 I have to feel for connie saying your going to do it is one thing but actually pulling the trigger to kill someone that were your friend 😭Again. I’m not sure I would have been able to do that. It’s all tragic. That was a good episode. Onto the after episode discussion. Yes Magath, I 100% agree with you. If he can be convinced about the Eldian the world is not hopeless. The world can’t help remembering and pointing fingers because they have been shown nothing else. It’s been many generations that they haven’t seen a Paradise Eldian. All those who have seen one are dead. Now the first time they see a Paradise Eldian in a century is Eren doing the Rumbling. I really admire your review trying to see form all the side and resolving thing peacefully, Good reaction. Next is Haikyuu. I hope it made you feel better. I’m sure it will. Haikyuu always makes people feel better. Take care. 😋

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I didn't understand the steam thing either🙈😅 I think Magath might be my personal MVP of this episode. It takes a lot of courage to recognize your mistakes and prejudices and to apologize like that! I'm also really impressed with Connie. I wouldn't have thought that he'd be resolved enough to go this far to do the (in my opinion) right thing🤔🙂


Question is they talked about wanting to end the cycle of hatred and violences, but they just caused a whole bunch of hatred from what they did this episode killing their people. If that’s their goal then it’s not working out at all. That said they had to do it though, if they want to get on that boat.

Diego Zenhäusern

I mean there is not much of a cycle to end if there are no people left. But I'd agree that ending the cycle isn't really an achievable goal at the present and their actions are creating other cycles😕 But then again if you don't agree with the goenocide lf the whole world there isn't much other action you can take and hope to have any affect🤔🙁


Haha. I’m just trying to point out how powerful faith is. Floch is a whole new dude after he found his calling!


Nah I agree with you Diego. I’m not saying they can do anything different. I said it last week, they have to be ready to kill all of their own people if they really want to save the world, the same way Karl Fritz, Frieda Reiss made that choice. I’m just saying if they think they can resolve the hatred between Eldia and the world then they are sadly mistaken. This will do nothing but increase the hatred, they are only delaying the inevitable. At the end, it is either Eldia, or the world.


Also, I’d like to think Floch is a reflection of what Erwin would’ve turned out to be if he survived. There’s only a thin line between a nationalist and a fascist. Floch inherited Erwin’s spirit as Erwin was the first Yeagerists throughout season 1-3.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, in that case we're pretty much in agreement. Though, to be honest I don't know whether I'd say that any of them are really claiming that that's their goal: Annie, Falco and Gabi are pretty open about wanting to save their loved ones. Piek didn't state it as openly but based on her behaviour it seems to be her main goal too and for Reiner it seems to be a combination of wanting to protect his loved ones and regreting his past choices. Armin and Mikasa want to stop Eren from commiting genocide without killing him (so basically the same reason🤔😅). Hange and Connie want to prevent genocide because they think it's wrong on principle. And while I agree that many of them (at least before Yelena's call out) made it seem like their motives were more noble (saving the world) which makes most of them (apart from Hange and Connie who actually are prepared to act like it and Annie, Falco and Gabi who never really claimed noble motives) hypocrites I don't think that apart from Magath (and maybe Armin, my memory is not 100% solid on that) actually claimed to want to stop the circle. I think that none of them would oppose this idea at this point (as even Magath has seen reason) but it doesn't feel like any of them really believes what they are doing is going to end it. To me Magath's speech in this episode specifically felt more like him admitting his faults and wanting to break the circle for himself personally. It felt more like him wanting them to fight as equals and wishing/ hopping that the circle could maybe be broken eventually by someone else if they could keep the world alive....which is a nice thought but realistically speaking probably similarly naive and unrealistic (even though I wish it wasn't) as thinking their actions could directly break the circle ... so I can definitely get behind you on that point as well. But it didn't feel to me like he (or anyone else) was naive enough to believed their actions were going to directly end this circle. However, if it turns out that some of them do believe this will directly end the circle, I'm absolutely on your side in that it wont (as mentioned above).


Just noticed @Dany gave me a mention lol. Yeah at this point just do what you believe in, and make choices you won't regret. It's like Eren said, people are just forced into the roles they need to play in this world. Eren is forced to become a mass murderer, just like Reiner, like many others. Magath's speech was respectable to me but he's way past asking for forgiveness or redemption. As a Marleyan leader, he has enslaved Eldians for years and has his hands filled with blood from the wars his country waged. Nothing he or anyone do will break the cycle of hatred, with one exception. Eren's plan of wiping out humanity along with its history and hateful emotions is the only way to reset this world. But you guys won't agree with it and a new cycle will start eventually.