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AOT 4X25 PAT RXN.mp4

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Just saying this before I watch the rest of the reaction, I only watch the intro It’s going to be alright. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of work done, If things are a bit late it’s ok. Set yourself a healthy workload and don't burn out. 💖


The “perfect” life Jean was imagining had Mikasa as his wife lol, so definitely seems like he’s not over her. It is increasing difficult to know who to root for, since we’ve been with Paradis since the beginning; but I also don’t want to see a Eren kill everyone. The hero of Marley was called Helos, but he was made up. Marathon probably has those ideas about Eldians because that is how he was raised, he was taught to see them as devils. Now that he has been with them like Gabi he is having mixed emotions, might take him a while to figure out those emotions. I do wonder if Mikasa or Armin will be able to or even have the resolve to kill Eren when the time comes, or if that’ll be a detriment to them. This was Eren’s only choice that he could think of considering how many years he has left before he dies. Get as much work done as you can, but if you can’t that is also fine. You don’t need to burn yourself out since we’ll still be here to enjoy your reactions!


Man... I dreading the episode showing the death of the mainland people. AoT has never shy away from showing character breaking down in their last moment before death. That gonna be a heavy one for sure. Though it seem that next ep would be dealing with the port situation so we got some ep maybe before that happen

Matthew B

Dude, you are literally spoiling her about upcoming events.


lol I saw the meme of the child telling Mikasa “I’ve always hated you mom” XD


Ok be ready for an extra long one. I think it’s going to be a 2 parters. Part 1 Jean at the start. In situations like this it’s so easy to just give up and do nothing. I’ve been advocating to stop the genocide from the begining but it’s much easier said than done. I don’t know If I would have the strength and courage to do something. I was never in a situation like this. All of them are struggling and overwhelmed. So easy to be a back seat manager and tell them what they should do. What would we actually do if we were put in these situations? I don’t have an answer for myself. “That’ll rally the world together even more than Willy Tybur’s speech.” I wonder if it’s too late. Eren set in motion proof to the world that they are the devil. Before it was history or mostly Marley war. Maybe they can divert the rumbling to minimize the casualty but I don’t believe it one bit. You can’t convince the world that you're not a devil that needs to be taken out if you act like the devil that needs to be taken out. Maybe you can rule with fear but It’s not better, the hate will only grow worse now they have concrete proof with friends and family dying. I do admire Hange speech. She admits that they are partly at fault. Letting Eren get to this point where he thinks that is the only answer. But Hindsight is 20/20. There is a lot of what if I would have done thing differently but they are now and have to deal with it now. I think they mean if they take out Eren the 1000 colossal titan aren’t just going to vanish. You can make them go back and use them again to defend either as titan or reform walls or some other way with 1000s of colossal titan waiting. The camp fighting. They have been at war for a long time. They were enemies just a few hours ago. Things need to be aired out now that they have some time. If they let all this fester it’s only going to explode later at the worst moment. The thing with killing Eren. How committed to stopping the genocide are they? Will they go in half assed? The Marley part of the camp needs to know this. Also what I was saying earlier about the world hating them. Eren stopping and saying sorry I was wrong will not work. Everything Jean says will become true. The world will hate them. They will struggle to defend themself. To prevent genocide making peace with the rest of the world. I don’t know if the rest of the world will accept anything less than killing Eren. Even then there is little chance to heal the world but I don’t see the situation resolving with anything less. Let's say in the real world North Korea starts nuking all its neighbors. Do you guys think just stopping and saying my bad I was wrong will work? No you need to take out the leader and have a revolution against the regime. I guess the other solution from the world point of view is if they take out Eren and put their own government but then it will be like Marley and their Eldian if not worse. I believe it will be worse.


Part 2 “This episode I feel like I would be saying nothing the whole time” 😅 My feeling exactly yesterday when I first saw the episode. I didn’t know what to say afterward. I guess sleeping on it and rewatching give me plenty to say but really i had no idea how to react to the episode yesterday. I guess the only hope Armin, Mikasa and others Eren friends have is to convince him before he kills too many people but I don’t believe they can. That is why they need to know how far they are willing to go. Beyond a certain point what Jean says will be true and their only solution left is the Eren solution and take out the rest of the world. Are we already past this point? Maybe. Yelena I give her that you don’t control where you were born. However her solution is Zeke and euthanize all the Eldian. In the end they are right she manipulated Zeke to be a hero. She reminds them that they’ve all done terrible things but it’s AOT we are talking about. Most of them had killed a lot of people. They need to come to term with it. But by the end of the episode it seemed that it needed to happen and everyone was ready to go to the next step and collaborate. There are still a lot of things unresolved, mainly how they are going to stop this. ❤️🤗 I think We are at a point where the situation is too fuck up to have a happy ending nomatter what the will happen. I think that one thing that makes AOT so powerful but this episode just lays it out there. There is no happy solution. After the episode discussion. And Lexie, It's ok to cry. Let it out. 🤗❤️. You’ll feel better afterward like Jean after he punches Reinard. The way AOT is going there is going to be more crying. So true, Dialog. Also so true it’s depressing.. The world presented by AoT is so depressing. What makes it even more powerful is that we feel that it can be reality. Sometimes when I see what is happening in the world right now it is depressing. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that there are still a lot of good people around the world when all the negativity that takes front stage. Amazing reaction Lexie, that's why you’re our favorite. 🤗 Wow especially the very end about Eren❤️ Awh don’t be sorry for crying. Take care. 🤗

Justin Yong

To your point of it being "too late" for everyone I totally agree with. Pandora's Box is open with the Rumbling and every Eldians (including the "good ones" from Marley) must be purged because the threat of devastation is too great. Annie stopping Eren to protect her father makes me sad because now that we've went here they'll both be gunned down no questions asked as soon as the Rumbling has been stopped imo.


Yelena is 100% the MVP of this episode. Through her mouth, the author called out the hypocrisy of the alliance. That although they have good intentions, they are doing this for selfish reasons, the same motivation Eren have to wipe out the world for his own selfish reasons. Levi is only here for revenge. He did not put the world into his consideration. The inconsistent logic here is, if he's going after Zeke for killing his comrades and Erwin, why isn't he killing Annie who's sitting in front of him, for killing just as many of his friends, Petra and the levi squad? The Warriors squad don't give a shit about the world at all. Annie, Reiner, Pieck, Gabi, Falco are only here because they want to save their family and friends, the same reason why Eren is doing what he is doing. If they have Eren's power I guarantee they will make the same choices. Annie for example admitted that she'd commit all the killing in the world if that means going home to see her father. Hange and Jean are forcing their own ideology onto their dead comrades. When in reality, dead people don't have any wishes. Even if they do, who knows how many of them would've turned out to be Yeagerists. Floch survived a suicide charge and turned into an extremist god knows how many angry original survey corps members would've turned out the same if they survived? Armin has his own ideology of wanting to achieve world peace through dialogues. He is not willing to commit genocide. But he already nuked a city full of innocent people, and he is in love with a girl who committed mass murder after eating her comrade to stay alive. I don't think he has the moral high ground in this situation. Lastly, Mikasa expressed no concern about the world at all. She's only here because she wants to go after Eren. Her entire goal in the story is to stay with Eren because she loves him, and because she's an Ackerman. I guarantee you if Eren didn't push her away, she'd be right next to him supporting him.


Alrighty this better end with my third retype. At the end of the day, I'm only giving this much effort to chat with you people. It's fun discussing about these. Love the writing of the story. After we see the dark side of the Yeagerists, we now get a reminder that the alliance people aren't any better and have the same motivation as their oppositions. It's like Eren said: ライナー,お前と同じだよ (We're the same, Reiner.)


It's too late. It has been too late since the beginning. The world selfishly unleashed their hatred, ignorance, and greed towards the people of Paradis and as a result, Eren Yeager, the true devil of Eldia is now coming for them. On the other hand, Eldia's history has too much blood on it, it is impossible for the world to forgive them for their past and the threat they pose today.


That where I disagree. With this vision of the world. What we often see and notice the most is the hatred. And it's AoT is heavily focus on war. I want to believe that there are goodness in the world. We see from all camp they aren't so different. If we believe that the world is selfish and hateful what the point it's going to self-destruct anyway. And it's a too sad version of the world for me to agree with.

Justin Yong

The entire world has too much blood on their hands. The only difference is that they can't turn into literal monsters with a little titan juice. It sucks man. I'm really trying hard to understand exactly what the message this show is trying to make. Is it just a criticism of the cycle of hatred? A though experiment on the idea of freedom? Obviously the horror and trauma of war is a major theme but I feel like Isayama is only asking questions and not trying to give any answer. Which may be the entire point but man that's a bummer if so.


That's because Isayama doesn't have any answers either, he's a human just like us. His story is trying to convey just how messed up humanity is, and how tragic history repeats itself he kept his story very real, political, and controversial. We can almost reference to all kinds of era in our history in his story. What we do about it is up to us to think about. Very good question Dany, if the world is this shit show on repeat constantly, why bother continue it? Depending on that answer you can identify yourself as a Yeagerist or the Alliance.

Justin Yong

@Dany DLTV I dunno man. When I think about every single character or nation in this show all I can see is the violence and greed. Marley wants to use titans as a means of conquering it's enemies, other nations want to wage war against Marley like we saw at the start of season 4, the Azumabito want to help Paradis to line their pockets, and of course Paradis is on it's way to wiping out the world. Of course there are individuals that have strong and righteous motives in this story but every single one of them is flawed and human as well. Of course they are similar and in a better world they might have been friends but the world they live in just paints a very dark picture on reality.


It's like Eren said: ライナー,お前と同じだよ (We're the same, Reiner.) Everyone is the same, no one in this story has their hands clean. Even they are, their hands are clean because they aren't in charge with anything. Once you truly get involved into this business and is given power, you can't stay a saint.


The thing I have against Hange Armin Conny and the rest is that they talk all big and mighty but they don't have a plan for anything. Like Hange and Armin who has been revolting to me for the entire season. This can't do that can't do, Eren and Jean already called her out for it, if you have a better idea commander, let's hear it? Nothing? I thought so too. Definitely love that Yelena clap back, you guys are cute trying to act like the morally upstanding guys, I have a couple of notes here that said otherwise. Let me bring out some tea XD The only reason why they think they can keep their hands clean is that someone else is doing the dirty work for them. It was Erwin in the past, now it's Eren. One thing must be emphasized. Idealism is admirable, but idealism without a plan is a delusion. I for one will not sign a death warrant for my entire country based on hoping everyone can just talk it out, as much as I dislike genocide.


I get where your coming from Swan. two thing I said in my long review. First is how far Armin and co are ready to go. Right now they don't seem to be ready to commit to anything beside talking to Eren. It won't work. 2nd Thing I said. Ok its all good they have an Alliance but they haven't address the main point is how to stop Eren. What the plan? Their plan now consist of trying to find Eren nothing beyond that.


About solution, AoT vision of the world is pretty grim. My take from the beginning is we don't see the whole picture. If it is indeed the whole picture. Well I also start to loose hope. Because the only argument I can make is keep an open mind the world is more complex than this. Take the Blouse family. Yes they are Eldian. But I believe it's a good take on average farming family everywhere. They went from hating Gabi to accepting her. Since everyone is the same. I think a good percentage of the rest of the world are far remote from Eldia and don't actively hate them they can accept them if proven they aren't the devil. Like Gaby prove to the Blouse she isn't the devil. It will take a lot of time and effort. It will also require that we remove the racist regime. I'm going to go with a quite lame flaw comparison so bare with me. Disclaimer: I'm very sorry If I offend anyone with my comparison. It is not my intent. I'm just trying to find an example to illustrate my thought. I'm not Jew nor Germain. Let say you were a Jew and suddenly found that your island is surrounded with Nazi Germany. So you go outside you see internment camp genocide Holocaust . You see all the force of the Axis joining in with Germany, Italy, Japan. All the other countries joined in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Finland. And Germany controlling much of Europe through war, Like Marley controlling the regions through war. Now they think your people are rich and just want to steal your resources. Remember you're deep in Germany. The only info you have is Nazi propaganda. So extremely Biased propaganda that promote the superiority of their race and racism against your people that include genocide. Now the solution is to kill all the people in the world? You never when outsize Nazi Germany like Eren an co never when outside Marley. You are feeded by propaganda which only promotes hate. That all we see in the Anime. We see a very narrow part of Marley like we would see a very narrow part of Nazi Germany. Also Do you believe that most citizens without the propaganda just happen to hate Jew? And it's irreconcilable? There are still Antisemitism. So a part of the world is Anti-Semite but not the whole world nor the majority of the population. The aftermath of the war, do the current citizens of Germany deserve to die? Are they bad people? No people are the same. I believe that most people can be good if we let them a chance sure they will always be a fraction of the population that are plain evil. So we haven't let the world a chance to accept Eldian. The only Eldian contact they had is Marley Eldian and Marley version of history, Paradise island had been isolated for what 100-200 year. Very few have seen a live Paradise Elian. All the people that lived through the past Eldian cruelty are dead. The world has only seen Marley Eldians. There is no first personal account of Eldians cruelty beside Marley's Eldian. They are all history or Marley’s Eldian. So convince them you're not devil. If your first contact with a Paradise Eldian is Rumbling or Eren destroying your city. Well they would be the devil that need to be exterminated. So back to the solution. I don’t believe Marley's vision is the only vision in the world. I don’t believe Azumabito, the one 1 country they try to get help from and wants to steal their resources, represents all countries. The world is much more vast and complex than what has been shown in the anime. What you need to do is get rid of the Marey leadership and get allied outside your own local regions. In WW2 when we took back Germany we razed cities and mass killings. If any country did that, the world would unite against them but then again it would be against their leadership. Now I know I didn’t address the Titan aspect of the problem. I guess I come back to conquer Marley, get their tech and at the same time Azumabito tech while you're at it. By trade or by force. Build your defence with conventional means and tell Ymir she is free and no longer has to produce Titan. I haven’t given it much more thought since the last time we talked about it.


Sorry a lot of typo but I don't want to touch it since it's going to be deleted. So some Correction.** When we took back germany we didn't razed city and do mass citizen killing. I think that the most obvious error. In the text above


I thought it was a decent comparison. The only difference in that comparison is, let's just say that Jewish can turn into gigantic monsters all of the sudden. All of a sudden the Nazis can justify themselves as killing monsters. Of course, I understand that not everyone is born racist or hateful, but it is the environment, and the culture so deeply rooted in there that shapes a person. It is nearly impossible to change, just like hatred, racism and discrimination still exists after thousands of years in our world. Hitler and Stalin were once innocent children as well you know. Armin brought up this argument, that if we just all talk properly, we can clear up our misunderstandings. and Eren responded 'misunderstanding? what misunderstanding? we are a race that turns into monsters and they are killing us for this and resources, is that not true?' It's true, we saw that Gabi changed as well as many Marleyans, but that's only a few compared to billions of people who still wants Eldia dead. Not just Marley, it has been said in the earlier chapters/episodes that Eldians are treated even worse than they are in Marley all over the world. I just don't think there's enough convincing in the world that can stop this bloodbath, either Eldia ends them for good or the other, if it's the middle ground we're looking for then we're going back to Eldia's eternal domination. The power difference is just too great, Eldia has the founding titan and the power of nine titans, hell, attack titan users can see the future as well, what country can match that power? If the world doesn't end then Eldia will take over the world for sure, and we'll be back to where we started. It would be very stupid to abandon that power as that means death. However, not giving it up means one day somebody will use it to take over the world.

Diego Zenhäusern

@Dany I think there would have been a time where Eldia and the world could have made peace if either side had sincerely tried to reach out diplomatically and come to an understanding. However, as much as I'd love to believe that there's still hope for peace and as much as I'd love to belive the world is better than this I have to admit that realistically speaking there is no way for peace at this point. Eldia has basically launched an atomic attack at all the world and - as much as I'd love it to be otherwise - if the show has an ending that is at all realistic to how our world IS (and not how I really would want it to BE) the world will not accept any kind of peace after this, any effort would just be to little to late. As much as I usually love to see a happy ending that gives you hope for humanity I truly don't think that this would fit to AOT and I'd actually be kinda disappointed if they managed to get a real peace between Eldia and the rest of the world at this point. I think the best we can hope for is that they stop Eren before he killes to many and that some of the Eldians get to flee and find shelter somewhere in the world with people that aren't as prejudiced...but I don't think Eldia as a country and a culture has a future if they stop Eren. And I think they really have to stop him. It's just as Hange said: Genocide can never be the answer!

Diego Zenhäusern

Also I think neither Armin and even less Mikasa have the stomache to kill Eren and I also think that's exactly that will be necessary to save the world as there's no way in hell he'll be convinced to stop :/ And I also assume that Hange was just talking out of her ass when she talked about the rumbling....probably to convince herself as much as anyone else that there was a future for Eldia after stopping Eren, when deep down she actually knew that there wasn't. I feel like she's acting here because she knows that what Eren is doing is just fundamentally wrong and is trying to convince herself that she isn't condemning Eldia when she actually knows that she's doing exactly that and that it's necessary to stop him🙁

Diego Zenhäusern

I can get behind most of your statements but I'd actually argue that at least Gabi and Falco wouldn't chose to destroy the world or even paradise island to save their families at this point. I think they've seen to much and have learned real empathy by this point so I don't feel like their approach would just be to kill everbody but they'd try to find another way to use this power to save their loved ones.🤔 With Reiner I'm not sure as he really seems to regret a lot of his choices he could go either way I'd say and I have not enough of a grip on Piek to say what she'd do though it wouldn't surprise me if she'd make a similar choice as Eren... I'd totally agree with you on your assesment of Annie though!

Diego Zenhäusern

Also: I wouldn't say that Hange and Jean are hypocritical. I think their the only ones that have the "right" reason of wanting to stop Eren because Genocide is simply never the right answer. To me it feels more like their argument that this is what the other members of the survey corps would have wanted is just their attempt at convincing the others of their view. Though I'll admit that - even though I don't think it is hypocritical per se - projecting their views onto dead comrades is still a questionable thing to do🤔


To your arguement about whether the warriors would be like Eren. Who knows. You gotta give them power, the truth of the world and its history, and the future Eren sees to tell. But I can guess that Pieck and Annie would definitely do it to save their fathers, Reiner is a coward who only wants to die in peace, Gabi and Falco are just children they haven’t had enough trauma to go down this path.


To your point about Hange and Jean. Sure it’s great you want to be morally just and save lives. But what’s the solution here? What is Hange’s plan after she stops Eren? Jean asked the same question and neither of them have an answer. I may sound harsh but the way I see it they are sending their entire race into a death sentence based off of what they think of dead people’s wishes are, and their imagination of the ideal world. Genocide is wrong according to Hange but is letting genocide happen to them instead correct? Isn’t that why they opposed Karl Fritz and his ideals to begin with? The way Hange kept dodging the question and respond with vague words tells me that she was never fit to be a leader, a scientist is all she ever was. Yelena called out what they have done in the past to remind them that they are by no means more morally just than Eren and the Yeagerists. They are doing this for their own gains, just like what the other side is doing. Besides, if Hange and the other guys in the military have been better leaders there wouldn’t even be a coup de tat in the first place. It was their incompetence and naive thinking that pushed Eren and his followers to this point, and they still plan to use the same mindset to stop him. And by stopping him, means they’ll have to kill Eren and all of the Yeagerists, the people they sworn to protect. Killing is wrong, getting killed is also wrong. What’s the right answer here? Let me know what you think Diego

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I think that's were we disagree. To me it feels like Hange (and Jean probably too) basically knows that there is no way to save Eldia if they stop Eren. Hange's half-assed "second rumbling plan" to me only shows that - at least deep down - she already knows it and either tries to convince Jean or even herself otherwise. But I don't feel like either of them believes this argument afterwards. On the contrary, I think that saying it out loud WAS the thing that showed to both of them that there's no way to save Eldia. So both of them seem to know that they're condemning Eldia and still want to do it. And to me sacrificing a few millions (and in this case your own race) to save billions IS the moral high ground. Because there is no good option anymore but only a less bad for the world as a whole. And choosing the less bad option (especially if it is to your own detriment!!) to me is the moral high ground! I agree with you that the others act for their own benefit though and not because of superior morality. And as mentioned above, I also acknowledge that them trying to convince the others that they're doing the right thing by projecting their morals on their fallen comrades is wrong and shows that they don't have impeccable morality either. But to me this still doesn't change the fact that, in the grand scheme, they have the moral high ground.


Yes Diego, going with numbers you should always pick billions of people in this world over a few million Eldians. I think it's great that you are able to think outside your own circle and try to serve the greater good. But it's as I mentioned last time, those are your friends, lovers, family, children. Could you really say it is the moral high ground to put them all to death, or worse, slavery in order to save the world who hates your very existence? Either way isn't a wrong choice to me, Karl Fritz also chose the world over Eldia, just like what you would choose. I'm not against Hange for wanting to stop genocide, I'm against her reason for stopping it only to have it happen to her own people (While trying to play hero, yikes). She's one of the leaders of Eldia, not the world. Not understanding that was the reason why she failed her job. If she can tell the audience in the face that yes I choose the world, I will betray my country and my people and put them all on a death sentence just like what King Karl Fritz did then I will say nothing. I may disagree with Karl but I have nothing but respect for his character. Don't just say it though, I better see all of them killing their own comrades and people with their own hands, which is what they need to do before they get to Eren. They can't possibly think they can just sneak to the boat and drive off without having to kill any of their old comrades right. The fact that Floch is here already says that he knows what these guys are up to.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yes, to me stopping Eren at the cost of Eldia is the moral high ground. Because to me the moral high ground is the position that benefits the most people overal and not only the people you're close to. And so the fact that Hange would have to actively betray her own country would make her decision (assuming that really is her decision as I have no concrete proof at this point that she truly understands the consequeces of her actions, but only assume from her demeanor that she probably does) even more impressive to me as it would show that she really cares more about doing the "right" thing for the world than doing what's objectively best for her and her loved ones. However, by no means does this mean that I can't understand that most people wouldn't betray their family and their country to serve the greater good. I also would never say it is the easy or the pretty choice. And neither would I dare to assume that it is even the choice I myself would make (As I can't say for certain what I'd do until I'm put into such a situation). I also can't condemn the people that just sit tight and do nothing because it is always easier said than done that you should do something (I myself would probably be as likely to do nothing as to take action even though I'd know what should be the right choice). And I wouldn't even say that most people in this situation even can do something of significance🤔. And in the course of this discussion I realized that I can't even really judge the people that could do something about it and still decide to do nothing as it really demands an immense amount of courage, moral and selflessness to choose to defy Eren as an Eldian at this point (so thank you for making me critically re-evaluate my own standards within this discussion ^^). So at this point I'd only judge the people that openly side with the Yaegerists or don't see Eren's actions as the heinous things they are!


I see. So you want to be a follower of utilitarianism, in other words, determining morals based on the number of people who would benefit from it. Looks like we got a follower of Karl Fritz here XD. I can respect that but I also don't think it works in all situations, it really depends on the context. Just like the famous question on whether you would pull the latter to change its direction towards your family's location when the train is about to hit dozens of people. Which one is more morally upstanding to you? It's like what you said, Karl Fritz and the other King of the Walls could've ended this any time they want, but they chose to do nothing because they also valued the world over their own. Doing nothing and accept their doom was their choice and I still respect them for that courage and restraint. But at the same time, you can't blame their angry subjects going there to claim their life, like Frieda getting killed by Grisha (Well now we know it's Eren) You're gonna have to judge me Diego I'm a Yeagerist and respects Eren and Floch's action even when I do see their actions as heinous as they are. I don't see another way to protect my loved ones and the place I grew up in without resorting to this, and I refuse to let those rotten incompetent leaders of Paradis Island and idealists sentence me and everyone I care for to die. I'd kill the king of the walls, all the leaders of the old government, my comrades who betrayed the country in order to protect what I care about. Of course, I'm saying this from a perspective of an Eldian, if I'm not even born there then I wouldn't care about it at all, it's better if they are gone. Zeke's plan would work best for me if I wasn't Eldian. At the end of the day, we're not gods and we shouldn't try to be. We can only play the role we're put in and that's it. Eren and Floch don't have a choice as they decided on their role to protect their country and people they love. They are willing to kill anyone who threatens Paradis Island. Hange and the others abandoned that role given to them as they want to think bigger than just their race, and they are willing to kill their own comrades for it. Who's in the right or wrong here?

Diego Zenhäusern

I feel like, what this boils down to is that we both can understand the arguments of both sides but ultimately agree to disagree on which side is "right"/ has the moral high ground ^^

Diego Zenhäusern

Also: I'm glad I don't have to judge you as a Yaegerist, as this is all hypothetical and neither of us is actually in such a fucked up position were we'd have to make those decisions xD


I'm only a Yeagerist IF I am a member of the Paradis Island, as I see this as the only way for the race to survive. My allegiance changes depending on the position I'm in, and the side I happen to be born at. It's a messed up situation and no one is really in the right or wrong for their choices at this point, and I choose to prioritize the people and place I care about, that's all I want.


Glad to have this discussion with you Diego. Of course, we both understand that this is all hypothetical, but I think it is crucial for us to think about this kind of situation to reevaluate our values and thinking. Remember, movies, anime, novels, any type of stories and its characters are just tools for strengthening our character development. We are the protagonist of our own story.