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haikyu 7 pat rxn.mp4

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Sophie biasland x

OIKAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love his petty ass so much

Sophie biasland x

Also best boy at the end FINALLY He says his name next episode but it’s not a spoiler or anything, it’s Nishinoya


I was not expecting them to win their practice match, since I’m so use to seeing people lose first lol. I’m the context of sport stuff since they first lose and then we see them train and win next time. Making this a bit refreshing to watch since went a bit differently than other shows. So I do think the shop guy is going to be the coach, if I had to guess he was an ex player that was probably super good. I think the guy in green is a coach since the players even called him coach, and the guy at the end is the receiver. We saw a bit of his talent this episode when he stopped kageyama’s throw, and a coach helps tremendously for player since they have the knowledge of what to say to a player to help them improve. I just know the green guys name for karasuno, ittetsu takeda is his name. I’m sure we’ll get the new guys name next episode, and I do need a villain 😂 need someone to hate.

Joshua Rogers

The guy in the green with the glasses is there club manager. He's a teacher that basically watches over them and encourages them, but also makes sure they are still doing well in their classes.. He is also the one that takes care of the paper work, budgeting, and scheduling. For example, he negotiates with other schools about practice matches, he gets the busses when they are going places, he orders uniforms and equipment. Basically all the behind the scenes and money stuff. They call him couch because they don't have an official coach at the moment. He's basically the acting coach, but as he said, he knows very little about volleyball and he beats himself up that he cant be of more help with their practices. Daiichi is the captain, so he sort of plays the coach role sometimes too, but he can only do so much with his experience. The new player introduced in this episode is the teams "Libero". Libero is an italian word that means "free". In volleyball, the libero is a defense only role. The show will explain it in more detail in the next episode.


Oikawa is a really polarizing character, but as this episode indicates, his game IQ is off the charts. But because he's jelly of Kageyama's genius, the implication is that Oikawa's game IQ and his serve/set/receive abilities come from grinding at practice and lots of experience. You'll learn more about him as you proceed. Really interesting character. I'm a fan, I get jealous of geniuses too. :p


Strongest minded, I tend to agree with Sho. I guess the last episode was more comic relief Sho. Oikawa is super cocky but he has the skill to back it up. The last shot was a beauty. Sho aimed right beside his head. Oikawa didn’t even move. It’s best 2 of 3. Karasuno won the 2nd and 3rd set. So it’s over. At 25 points they win the set. Lexie you’re too good at predicting things 😇 I remember now they just teased us with the new character. Can’t wait for the next episode. Again, Haikyuu feels so short. The guy in green is the teacher responsible for this club. Knows nothing about volleyball. So he helps them a lot with everything but can’t do much about their volleyball. They need a coach. Daichi is a senior but he is still a high school student. He doesn’t have any experience coaching. All the other teams have coaches. I guess they don’t since their coach collapsed and Daichi was the only one that could coach a bit they don’t have anybody else with volleyball knowledge. They never really explain it more in the anime. Ok Names spoiler free, Guy in green, he not a strategist 😅,Ittetsu Takeda. Other team setter Oikawa,Guardian deity, Nishinoya, We will learn more about his position next episode. Old Coach is Coach Ukai. Shop guy Keishin. The character in Haikyuu genuinely loved volleyball. Some are more ass than others but they do recognise and admire great volleyball move. Oikawa acknowledging that Kageyama has a better toss only makes him stronger. When you know your weakness you can work around them or work at them. It only shows how strong Oikawa is. Yes, Nishinoya is the Libero. Since you already searched for it, the gist of it is he always stays in the back row. Does not rotate like the other player. He concentrates on receiving since he cannot block nor spike in the front line. That was fun as always. See you next time. Take care, 😋

John A.

It has been so much fun watching you grow to like the show. Your guess from episode 1 was spot on when you said it will be more about characters than actual volleyball. This show is going to give us so many characters, it is amazing how well they show that everyone can be respected rivals without being villains. Thank you for this fun react!