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Annie has probably the same amount of time as Reiner since I think they got the power as the same time. The intro also shows Annie lol so hard not to think she’s coming back. We don’t know if Annie will be friendly too considering she’s been harden for years, and the titans can’t think they’ll only follow commands that they’re giving and do that until a new one is given. It must be hard for Connie having see his mother like that every time he sees her, not he’s given a perfect chance to get his mother back and all he has to do is feed his enemy to her. Not sure if Connie still sees falco as his enemy still, also this episode was very reminiscent of older episodes when their only threat was the titans. We see the new soldiers who never fought titans struggling too scared to move, and Gabi in the mirror putting her hair up reminded me of Eren doing the same thing. I think ymir the jaw titan one was a titan for 60 years? So Connie’s mom can stay as a titan for a while and still be fine lol. Floc is part of the jeagerist group, they did take over during part 1 so they have the numbers to stop anyone who opposes Eren. Hangs fell into the river when she escaped from floc, and Yelena is completely lost she doesn’t know what else to do now that zeke’s plan failed. Also this is my own theory about the titans eating everyone not part of the manga or anything just my own opinion, I think because it was zeke who turned them into titans they were following zeke’s orders. Now that Zeke is not there to control them their just mindless titans eating any person there.


Part 1 🤩Lexie called it again “thaw might be Annie” 😋 Only a few minute in and She called it a second time. “I wonder if it has something to do with Eren affecting Reiner” 😋 What was it last time Goddess Lexie 🤩 This episode for me is such a depressing episode. I know there are some people that didn’t give up and there are still a lot of episodes left. But it hasn’t been the best week for me and it seems so hopeless for now. Sorry for bringing the mood down. 😩 I’ve said it so many times but you’re right there are so many innocent people. The only people Eren observed were the Marley military elite so he projected their action to all the rest of the world. I’ve touched it in the RoK livestream but I’ll try to make it more clear. Right now the leaders of the world support Marley because they had to. They are politicians. Marley is the main power in this part of the world. They are doing what politicians do. What do they really think if Marley wasn’t in control? And the Marleyans are a pretty totalitarian regime. The citizens don't seem like they have much choice. I guess the Marleyans leader condemned the whole world by their actions. But still Eren believes that the Marley elite point of view is the same for everyone in the world and that I can’t agree. Everyone that makes decisions is at fault. The innocent will die and they are powerless. They didn’t get any say. It’s the same situation with slime when Rimuru. When Rimuru wiped out the army you said that there were a lot of innocent people in the army that didn’t have a choice to be there and got killed. Now AoT is on an even larger scale but the same thing is that most of the people who get killed didn’t do anything bad against Eldian and I don’t think they had much of a choice in their leader policy. It doesn’t seem like a lot of democracy in this world. Eren has been kind of AWOL in this episode. I guess he’s too focused on his plan to think about Zeke Titan attacking his own people. Or maybe it has to do with his transformation so he’s not totally there but he did have time to talk to all the Eldian through the “day dream” it seems he is conscious and in control of his actions. I’m on your side Lexie when you said feeding Falco is going too far. But Armin's argument about Reiner’s faction is not going to convince anyone. Reiner might still have a lot to do in the future episode but right now with the rest of the world destroyed I don’t think making peace with Reiner is on top of anyone's mind beside Armin. Reiner doesn’t really matter to anyone else. Also what's up with anime background characters not running away when they are attacked. They need someone to tell them to run 😅 Like Demon Slayer last few episode the background character staying there in the way until we tell them to run. Gabby has really turned around the last few episodes. 👍 The blouse family, I know they are Eldian but I believe the majority of the people in the world are a lot like them. Normal people don’t want war, they just want to live their life in peace. They may have some preconceived hate but in this situation they choose to save Gabby. So people outside the wall may have some preconceived hate toward the Eldian but I want to believe that they would also choose peace given the change. It’s the leader messing things for everyone. I don’t think Yelena cares anymore. She’s been kind of numb since Eren broke the wall and just stood there. I think Eren could save Connie moms but he seems to either not be conscious of what’s happening right now or not care at all since he didn’t do anything to save his own people from Zeke Titan. I lean toward not being aware of the Zeke titan since he said he only care for his people but we haven’t heard from him the whole episode. Again Goddess Lexie calling everything. Part 2 comes up when I watch the review part of the reaction. The episode is over and we still have half the reaction to watch.😋


Part 2 I really don’t know what they are going to do with Annie plot wise but it’s too significant for her not to have an important role in the rest of the show. It would be very disappointing if she doesn’t have an important role. Yes yes yes, you agree with me. It’s mostly the government, the citizens don't have much control, they are the victims. 🤗 The scene with the blouse family Gabby. It wonderfully shows the nature of a normal human. Nothing is black and white. Sure a lot of people have done fuck up thing. They all have devils inside them but in the end I want to believe in the goodness of people around the world even if nobody is perfect and so many have been devils and done wrong in the past. I think before Eren’s or Zeke’s plan, peace was achievable. But now I don’t know how. It’s hard to convince the outside world you’re not the devil when you start the Rumble to kill everyone regardless. Now Eren had proven to them that the only choice the outside world has is to kill all Eldian. There is no longer any way to convince anyone that the Eldian are not a danger to get rid of. Once Eren goes down that path I don’t see any solution that will get out of it. The world has seen that the Eldian are willing to kill them all. It’s normal that now they are convinced that they need to kill all Eldian and nothing will change that. For Connie, Gabby and Falco's situation. In the end it comes back to saving the people you are close to. We are close to Falco since we saw him on screen the most. From Connie's point of view what gives Falco more right to live than his mom. You can argue that his mom will still live but that not living she is stock in the village not moving. Maybe because Gilliard chose to sacrifice himself for Falco but again Gilliard is close to Falco. Connie doesn’t care at all. He wants to save his mom. Here you can only have a few shifter titan and you choose who gets it based on who you want to save the most. Savage feed her one of your f*ck*ng friend who’s going to die in the next few years. 😂 First I don’t agree with Connie but I’m just trying to see his point of view. I get that Falco has just been turned but in Connie's mind he doesn’t know him so it doesn’t matter from his point of view. If they capture Gilliard and Falco just died earlier it would be the same as Armin and Berthold. For us it is very important since we know Falco but for Connie he doesn’t care. In the end you’re absolutely right the right thing to do is to feed a shifter titan that is at the end of their 13 years. Yep everyone is coming to an understanding everyone except Eren. He may come to it in future episodes but as I’ve said in the beginning. If he kills too many people there is very little hope that the rest of the world will forgive them. Side note. I want to take time to Thank You Lexie ❤️. This review has put me in a much better mood than watching on my own. Before watching this review I was pretty depressed about how things were going in AoT. You’re the best and always put me in a better mood. I’m only halfway through the review part. Let's continue. It’s really getting too long so Part 3 is coming up.


Part 3 If the pure titan doesn't want to live like that and it’s mercy killing. What about Ymir it’s been 2000 year and she live like a slave with no will of her own. I think it’s time to end the titan and let her rest in peace. Sure the Eldian would struggle to defend themself without Titan but technology can be acquired, stolen or traded. They put up a resistance against the Marleys soldiers with their gear. If they topple the Marley government and stop right there without killing all the civilians and the rest of the world then give freedom to Ymir and no longer have Titan. I’m sure they can take over Marley Technology and defend themself against the other nations. It’s not going to be easy but a way to peace without killing the whole world. It’s not a sure way I conceded. But I can’t just be on board with genocide weither the rest of the world Eren plan nor Eldian, Zeke plan. That's why I was pretty depressed after this episode. It seemed hopeless for the world with Eren's plan. I’m rooting for the Eldian but I can’t condone everyone else dying. Armen 🤗If only he was in charge I think they would have a better change for everything to end up well for everyone. Yes I kind of forgotten about Hange and Levi 😅 So many decent people left I hope they can do something. You are right there are so many decent people left. If they could somehow all not succumb to the devil inside us. Eren is the first who should do it but right now I don’t see anyone convincing him then because of the rumbling I don’t see the rest of the world being reasonable since Eren is not. Again Thank you Lexie, I need this. Putting everything in perspective, the author wants to make us think more compassionately. That's why it’s so grim in Attack on Titan. It show us what would happen if we don’t. Once again, you’re the best ❤️, I’m missing the start of the superbowl but it’s totally worth it to listen to you. 5 more minute of review left 😅 Nobody asks to be a titan. My solution. Let Ymir rest in peace. End the Titan era. Defend yourself with conventional mean. That was a great reaction. Thank you again, you turn around a pretty depressing episode for me to so much more fun to watch. Take Care. 😋

Diego Zenhäusern

Really liked the reaction :) Kudos to you for calling the Annie thing! Ihave to say right now Gabi is probably my favourite character💕. To me she is the beacon of hope in this bleak worl because she's a beautiful example of cmpassion and shows us that it's possible to grow and change from your mistakes!

Diego Zenhäusern

I totally agree that ending the era of the titans would be the best solution, because I honestly believe that they just posses to much power to be allowed in the hands of humans who seemingly always have to resort to violence at some point or the other😥 But to be honest, I don't know wheter it's possible to end the titan era with the foundign titan🤔 And if it were that'd make Zeke's plan just 1000% dumber, because then he could have just tried to end the titan era: Worst case scenario the world still hates you and you're killed (i.e. exactly the same result as if no eldian can everhave children again and you die out after a generation), best case scenario you're opening up room for peace and negotiations as people don't have to fear you anymore based on your existence itself.


Floch was the second in command of the Jaegerist. Now that Eren went off on his own, Floch is effectively the leader of the Jaegerist as well as the army of Paradis Island. Which is the reason why he seems like the one calling the shots all the time.


Yeah.. This is a dead end. If the conflict between Eldia and the world was that easy to solve, somebody would've done something in 2000 years. Whether Eren did this or not, the world was going to slaughter Eldia regardless. Don't forget that before the rumbling, Marley already sent an army to attack them, with the rest of the world assembling to wipe out Eldia once and for all. They hardly even care whether they can turn into titans or not, remember that they are mainly after Eldia's rich resources. I wish there's any other way for Eldia to get out of this but it was always going to end up here, either they die, or the world dies.


Jean and Floch is my favourite for the next arc! But Gabi is definitely up there.


The way I interpreted the mindless titans based on Eren’s character and Gabi’s lines ( can’t the founder do everything?) is that Eren took full control of all the titans, even the ones Zeke turned. He just chose not to turn them back into humans. If you ask how so, remember him and Floch were the ones who played a part to let them drink the wines to begin with. They always wanted to remove the soldiers and higher ups they considered “rotten”, like most of the MPs for example. Besides, Eren wasn’t gonna allow them to threaten Historia.