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aot 4x21 pat rxn.mp4

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oh man i have been waiting for this

Sophie biasland x

Yeah it is fucked up to want to kill everyone else.... BUT.. he is doing it because he wants his people to be free and never have to go through the cycle again. I still can’t see Eren as ‘evil’ it just doesn’t fit him. He’ll always be my favourite character.


The title here is a call back to the first episode of the series. Ymir was a slave throughout her life, it does make sense for her to go back to king fritz deep in her mind she felt like she had no power. She didn’t know anything else, also in the manga we do see her setting the pugs free. There is a bit of symbolism from that action, and it is sad what happened to Ymir she had all that power but chose or felt like she had no other choice but to keep being a slave. Also Eren only saw his future memories from his dad, so Eren only knows what his dad saw. Nothing was shackling Ymir except herself, she could have stopped taking orders from the kings decedents, and Eren has control of the founding powers not necessarily giving him full control because someone has to create Titans still. Also the king pillaged small towns like Ymir’s, and captured the people as slaves I’m not 100% sure everyone of his subjects was treated like that. Also the three daughters Ymir had are called Rose, Maria, and Sina the same names as the walls and the same ones that ate Ymir and split the 9 titans . Also quick thing when she is captured she sees which I think is the king marrying someone, and she stares at them and I interpreted it as her wanting to have that happy life. You can watch the outro pretty sure there aren’t any spoilers in it. Glad you’re feeling better, and funny enough the new season for overlord is coming out in 2022; but an official date hasn’t been announced.


Eren said he will kill all life forms outside the island, animals, vegetation and humans, the planet will become a dead land, I imagine that in some time the Eldians will have nothing to eat, right? @.@ The whole Ymir part is very sad, especially the fact that she's just a kid and I don't think she's past 20 before she dies, which makes it worse. I hope Eren really said that to help her and not just to use her too 😔


"To you, 2000 years from now" "From you, 2000 years ago", brilliant call back. Everything was setup from episode 1. Ymir has been searching for someone, someone who can set her free. The nine titans all possess a feature from Ymir. I like to believe that the Attack Titan represented Ymir's free will, her wish to rebel even though she was a slave.


Well, the planet will heal, it always does. It's actually quite beneficial for mother nature if you think about it, as messed up as it is. Yes Ymir's backstory is heartbreaking. I'm sure Eren does want to save her from this eternal suffering.


I'm glad you feel better. I end up falling asleep before you posted now it too late to watch. 😭😅😋 See you to tomorrow


Yes! I noticed the wall names as I was editing! Also, yes to her seeing the king getting married and her wanting that happy life. I do imagine she craved happiness and peace, being loved by someone and treated kindly.


Yes. It’s so freaking bittersweet. She had to endure to much hardship alone in life and death, but then someone does eventually hear he call for help and saves her from herself. It’s crazy. Also, I love that interpretation of the attack Titan representing her free will. What do you think the other titans represent for her?


When you thinked about it. Since ymir create all titan as in sculpting its form. You do have to wonder if ymir intentionally giving some of the titan their wierd ass looks. I guess when you are force to do for millenia, you might as well fuck around. In my mind, everytime zeke use his roar to turn people into titan. Ymir let out a long sigh since she has to make all those titan in bulk. One way to imagine ymir really depressing situation abit less depressing.

Diego Zenhäusern

I don't like neither of their plans and hope there will be another solution. But if I had to choose a plan I would go 1000% with Zeke at this point! There is no justification for killing the whole world to save a single people and that's the end of the discussion to me.


Sure, that’s a fair point. But can you still say that if that entire world you’re trying to save will come after you and everyone you love until you’re all fully dead? Let me know what you think, I’m struggling with that question as well.


Ok before the episode starts. Because you talk about Eren wanting to kill the whole world I’ll give my opinion on it. Note: In the next few paragraphs I’m arguing against Eren’s plans and why I don’t think it's a good plan. In the Episode leading to this there have been a lot of infighting Eldian against Eldian. Are they going to be happier if only Eldian remain? I don’t think so. They will be those in power that control the Titan. If they are good leaders, maybe they can be happy for a while. If the titan are divided with a few in one faction and a few in another they are going to war and start killing each other like they are doing right now. And the Marleys, who have been pulling the string in the background. Willy Tybur an Eldian. There are no Guarantees that people will be safer nor happier if there were only eldian left. They are people like the rest of the world. What is the difference if the world is 100% Eldian. Instead of shifter titan warring against technology it will be titans against titan. Or if one faction controls them all it just depends on how nice the ones in power are. And they will impose their will on other non titan eldian. What do we know about the whole word? We meet the Marlies and some of their allies. That's pretty much it. Now you're going to destroy the whole world because your neighbor country hates you. It’s the Marleys government and their propaganda that hate the Eldian. We know there are some people that don’t agree with Marlies. They've been at war with other nations. And the citizens. Do they all agree with the government? It seems like a pretty totalitarian form of government where the citizen doesn’t have a lot of choice so kill them also. About the resource, Maybe I have a bad memory Well I know I have a bad memory but there was only 1 bitch that pretended to be an ally and help but in the end only wanted their resources. The Marley want the titan power. The rest of the world we don’t know what they want. We haven’t met them. It comes back to Mel's mother position in Arcane. First solution is war because you don’t see anything else to keep you safe. I don’t think they have given a fair chance to learn about the rest of the world and let the rest of the world learn about them. They stop at the Marleys who clearly don’t think highly of the Eldian. And don’t go further. I’m going to stop here since I already wrote too much and I haven’t watch the start of the episode yet 😅 😨When Eren rip up his own hand, well more just his thumb. Yep not knowing everything that makes the show so good. That's why it’s better with no spoilers. Ymir had such a sad life. Your free fun we will chase and kill you. 😭 Was it a Parasyte 😅 Stockholm syndrome maybe I don’t get why she obeys him. And why does she obey the royal now. It’s masterfull how they start the Rumbling, Eren saying to Ymir you’re not a slave do what you want. Instead Zeke plans to continue to control and use her. But Eren is the master manipulator. After 2000 years of being a slave I understand Ymir wanting to kill the whole world. Eren just had to tell her you are allowed to do what you want. 👏 Well my only hope now is there are still a lot of episodes left so something is bound to happen. Because the rest of the show with Rumbling just crushing everyone without resistance, that would be a pretty disappointing ending but I’m sure there will be a few twists and turns coming our way. I’ve just thought of an ending. Bear in mind that I have no clue of the manga and what is going to happen next. Ymir what if we freed her from the titan power, stop the killing. At the start of the stories didn’t they tell she was kind and generous or something like this. Is she free now? Is that what she wants? Is she at peace? Or she is still a prisoner of her own emotions and 2000 years of suffering. Let free her of the titan power and let her live a normal life as a human being or let her move on to a better word. The 2nd part sounds harsh but if they believe in the afterlife in this show it’s been 2000 years she’s given enough. Ok that was great, See you soon, Take care 😋

Eli Kisamo

While I do disagree with seemingly Eren's plan of damn near worldwide genocide, what's the alternative? I mean that in the sense of, what other plan could possibly be initiated now? Things are too far gone now to pull back, I think. Can you stop the rumbling once its been initiated? Even if you could would Ymir go for that? This is a prime opportunity for her to unleash her rage after two freaking millennia. At this point I just hope people survive xD


Eren: “So Hange, what is it that you can do? Tell me Hange, if you have any ideas, LETS HEAR IT!