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This show can be a Kdrama or any other series as long as it fits the following requirements:

  • It has to be a shorter series. I’d like to get through it within a month or two.
  • I’d prefer longer episodes. Since you’ll be paying more money I wanna give you more content!
  • I’d like to branch out and try different genres for you guys so preferably not and anime.

Are there any you guys would be excited about? Keep in mind this show would only be available to this who have signed up for the Drama Club tier! Leave your suggestions down below!



I have never seen a kdrama before, unless squid game counts lol. I’m not too sure of what’ll be good, but can’t wait!!


Squid game counts. Or it could even be a show that isn’t a kdrama but preferably short. I’d like to get through it quickly

Tony Fulks

Do al of us are dead on Netflix it’s a k drama or something like Vinland saga Bc it’s a little underrated. Also made in abyss is very good and an underrated gem.


I don't know if you didn't want an anime, but Akudama Drive was easily one of the best anime of 2020 imo. 12 action-packed episodes with some of the best animation of the last few years.


I 100% agree Made in Abyss would be great!


I liked both Sisyphus: The Myth and Hellbound on Netflix for Korean stuff, though both have their cheesy elements. I think Sisyphus is about a year old now, though. I saw someone else react to Alice in Borderland on Netflix, which is a Japanese live-action show based on a manga. People seemed to really enjoy it. I think it has a really strong start, but sometimes feels a little too “anime” for me to believe. For recent western stuff, I really liked Yellowjackets, which is from Showtime. Edit: probably worth noting that all of those have a good chance of having second seasons later, if I remember correctly. So maybe not great if you want something that is finished.


I will commit to one season of them. If I really like it and want to continue, I’ll let you guys know and we can discuss whether you guys would like me to continue or try something else. 😊


I haven't watch any K-Drama beside squid Game. I'm looking forward to watch more. What do you think Lexie. in the same genre as Squid Game or compleatly different lighter mood? K-rom-com maybe. 😅 I haven't watched any so a quick search. I think I want to watch Move to Heaven Upon his release from prison, an ex-convict becomes the guardian to his nephew with autism spectrum disorder. Thinking it would be an easy ride but as soon as he works alongside him in a family trauma cleaning business he realizes there is more to this job and more to family that he first thought. The family business is cleaning up places after people die. From what I get they clean and help the people with a recently deceased person. So you learn a bit about the deceased family and their history through their job and there is the relationship between the uncle and nephew that develops. From the review it is a very emotional series. A bit on the slower pace. From the synopsis and few review I read this look so good. But I haven’t seen it myself.


Just by doing a bit of research on Netflix, Vincenzo- 20 episodes, the uncanny counter-16 episodes, and abyss- 16 episodes. I know their long but their description sounded really interesting. Also not sure if I should have included romance or not I also saw “mad for each other” short episodes.


Move to Heaven is 10 episodes 50 minute more or less each


Would be awesome to see a reaction to Dark on Netflix. Amazing show

Jared Dudley

Squid Game or Dark for sure

Jessica Sutherland

Alice in Borderland & Sweet Home are KDramas that are short (around 8 or so episodes only one season) and about an hour long. If you're thinking of doing like an english speaking show I'd definitely recommend End of the Fucking World or Good Girls. I think you'd like any of those shows tbh. All are on Netflix :P


Peaky Blinders is a great series with multiple seasons but about 6 episodes each season, if you're thinking of doing an english speaking show I'd definitely recommend it.

Jared Dudley

Peaky Blinders too!


how about the "legends of vox machina", its ongoing but it should be finished in February 17 and it has 12 episodes about 30 min long (every week 3eps will be released)


im up for pretty much anything

Sophie biasland x

How about “Sweet Home” it’s short and really good!


Chernobyl is one of the best short series i´ve ever watched. It might be something for you.