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Arcana over 😢


"In their last moments, people show who they really are." Silco last words of reassurance and encouragment toward jinx are the final proof you need that he truly loved her, even if she killed him


mel's painting was the port of Noxus, where she came from. she destroyed it by splashing it with yellow paint, the color of pilover to signify her mother she made her choice.


I think Mel opposed her mother by having peace with the underground and avoiding the fight with them. Madarda wanted them to fight so they can make weapons with hextech and help her nation? City? Idk what she rules. If everyone dies in that council room, jayce and viktor were both there meaning that the two most knowledgeable people on hextech will be lost if everyone dies that is. We see powder choosing herself to be jinx after silco’s death, and I do like how silco was able to relate to vander now that he had to make that difficult decision as well. Sevica (don’t know how to spell it lol) might take over after silco, or jinx with taking over silco’s job while the firelights continue to fight them. Since now there’s reason for war between piltover and the underground there might a war between all three. I think everyone here would tell you you’re pretty, smart, and try to make you feel better lol. That shark weapon we saw from jinx is from the game and is her ultimate. Really curious what next season is going to be like, and it’s a good series.

Cameron Hall

Also the shark rocket launcher is made as tribute to silco because he liked underwater creatures and the gun even has a scratched eye.


Arcane Finale. It was an amazing show. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I see that you have your self love crystal bracelet on. It works if you're willing to make it work. 😋 Let go. “You always have been part of this. You never had to look it in the eye.” Decisions have consequences. It’s good for Jayve to learn this. He seems to have been one character that didn’t really understand what he’s doing and the implication. The conversation between Mel and her mother. That one thing I love about arcane. People have their own motivation and it’s realistic motivation. They are ready to let the world burn but in their own mind they have good reason, even if it’s not a good reason from our perspective it’s so much better than I want power for power type of villain. The way you react 🤩. I want you to have this confidence when dealing with people around you. Don’t let people drag you into their shit and push you around. Remember this. 🤗 Poor Viktor 🥺. I do feel for him. He’s trying his best for everyone and it seems that bad things keep happening to him then the worst thing. 😭 In pursuit of great we failed to do good. 🥺 Silco scene 😲. It’s such a powerful scene. He believes in loyalty. He knew it was a gamble. He asks Sevika if she was tempted afterward. But he believes he made the right choice in trusting her and believing in her loyalty. A gamble but it makes a powerful scene. Getting a little bit ahead of the show here but you've seen it already. I wanted Silco to choose Jinx over his dream. And in the end he did choose Jinx. He truly loves her 🥰. And he just talk that he believes in Loyalty so it would fit that he would choose Jinx. This show come up with the best saying. It’s not enough to give people what they need to survive, you have to give them what they need to live. 🤩 😭😭😭 I think Jinx totally misunderstood when she overheard Silco. Is there anything so undoing as a daughter? He meant he was going to choose Jinx and lose his dream. But I don’t think Jynx understood it that way. How could she, she doesn’t have any context. 🥺 In this episode I really started to love Sevika 🤩. Jinx really scared me when she brought the cake 😱. She really got me 😅. This show is so great they have a way to make scenes amazing. Silco's love for Jinx is so beautiful 😍. It’s unfortunate that everything else is messed up about him. But it keeps in character. He doesn’t care for anybody else. 😩 Fuck the last scene. They were voting for peace and Jinx killed them all. With hextech. So they have Hextech weapons now. I can’t wait for season 2. 2nd part of the comments coming up in a few minutes after I watch the review.


Ok on the review part of the reaction. Mel's mother, she had to make hard decisions and in her point of view war was always the answer but she saw that she disappointed Mel each time she chose war. That's my take on it. it’s why she made her go aways. Make your conscience go away so you can choose war because you believe in what keeps you safe. I believe all the council is dead. That was Jynx's ultimate weapon. There is no way they survive this, in my opinion. They may surprise me but... I can’t wait for season 2. Silco really loves Jynk and thinks she is perfect. That is why despite her being a crazy bitch he never tries to change her and support her in her craziness. But yes you are right there is a limit. But he need that she need help Silco couldn't provide the help she need because he think she is perfect. You’re spot on with your analysis of Jink. Lexie I just want to take the time to remind you that you’re smart, compassionate, and feel for everyone. Ok I’ll concede your not perfect with your anxiety, OCD and everything else. But your core personality is what makes you beautiful. That is why you are an amazing person. You said that you needed a reminder every day so here my part today. Power vacuum. It’s bad to the people but it will make a killer 2nd season. Now I have no idea, with Silco is dead and Jynx attacking the council. Vi's love for Jinx is much healthier and is still unconditional love. She is going to love her no matter what but she is not letting her do every craziness. You can love somebody but not accept everything they do. For Jinx's own good. It’s an act of love to rain her in and help her. That was quite a ride. Thank you for sharing the season with us. Take Care 😋


First of all, hope you had a great birthday! Silco's probably my favorite antagonist ever, there's just so much depth to his character. I've seen this episode like 3 times now but his last words to Jinx still break my heart every time. Also, poor Sevika. I stopped counting how many times she got her ass kicked during this series lol I think Mel is now fully committed to Jayce and Piltover and prepared to go against Noxus and her family. The painting she ruined shows the Immortal Bastion which is basically the capital of Noxus. Also she took her family ring off before casting her vote at the end. My guess is Jayce, Victor and maybe Mel will make it out alive somehow. Also, it looks like there might be some sort of conflict with Noxus over Hextech. And I'll be so mad if Singed's daughter doesn't make an appearance in season 2 😅 she's my favorite character from the lore and they've hinted at her 3 times now with Singed holding her picture during his last scene.


yeah no problem, I didn't notice those details on my first watch either 😅

Diego Zenhäusern

I think it doesn't even matter if the council survived, now that they've been attacked there will be war😕 I'd think it would be realistic if they al died...but it's a show, so they'll probably let some people survive🤔😅 P.S. I second Danny: You've got a great character Lex, never forget that!


Diego, I also believe they will be war but if Jayce or Mel survive the response may be moderate. If they all die, we could see someone more radical make a move and take control and I'm just throwing idea here but If Mel mother for example use the power vacuum to take control it can be more nasty.