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parasyte 13 pat rxn.mp4

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Double upload 🙌 as I said on the other post I probably won't be able to watch those until much later Tomorrow. See you then 😋


We saw the group of parasytes the ones who were running for election and won it, they said they have designated eating spots where parasytes can go and kill humans without the fear of being caught or killed. They also mention the parasyte that killed kana knew about those spots but let his hunger blind him and eat in an area that wasn’t designated. Shinichi could talk to that other guy who didn’t completely turn into a parasyte, and I know you don’t like murano lol but I think there’s a reason why she’s still around. Usually the mind is the thing that controls emotion and not the heart, but you do feel pain in your chest when really emotional things happen to people, the other parasyte group sees shinichi as a threat with his human mind still there, ryoko is interested in shinichi since it’s a parasyte and a human co-existing in a body which he wants to learn more about, with her baby she mentions that she’s trained it, kinda how you train animals which is a bit messed up lol. You can tell she doesn’t have an emotional connection to the baby by the way she was holding it and not treating it with love, also that private investigator might die since he might tell ryoko that he’s a parasyte which I’m turn to keep it quiet she’ll kill him. Shinichi has to talk to him before that happens lol.


You’re right about that other guy. I forgot this name. Maybe he forgot about him too? 😂 I just think it would be nice if he could talk to someone close to him though.

Rudeus Greyrat

its just annoying because kana was willing to accept him for who he was and he felt more comfortable telling kana about migi despite always pushing her away and even migi was okay with shinichi telling kana about him before she died. murano on the other hand, he feel likes he can't be himself around her and even tho he was always putting her first she still pushes him away and making him feel alone.

Matthew B

The Murano shade makes me sad. She's a sweetheart with normal reactions to the crazy shit happening around her. Kana was the nutcase :P Kana was only into him because of her spidy senses going off about parasytes. Murano was a real one from ep 1. All good though we like what characters we like and nothing is wrong with that. I do actually like Kana too.


I’m back, I’m kind of exhausted but Let go. I’m with you with Murano. 😅 However, I feel a bid bad because it’s not her fault. She can’t help being who she is. It’s just beside being the childhood crush she’s pretty bland as a character. And Shinichi doesn’t help since he can’t won’t talk. There is nothing Murano can do if she is blindside like this. Lol at your face when we first saw Murano in the 2nd scene. 😅. For me Shinishi has moved on being a human parasyte hybrid and Murano is still in the past so their relationship seems forced just because they were once childhood crush but now there is nothing between them. About Shinichi being too calm. The girls commenting on it really bugs me. Not everyone reacts the same way to death. Some people put on a mask and keep it all inside. Being too cold and distant. Yes he just witness a murder of someone he knew, for some people is a perfectly normal reaction closing up and being cold and distant. More expressive when he’s alone. I can relate. Well Shinichi not knowing he’s being tailed. All his powers are new to him. He was just a normal kid before is not like he has any training to know when he’s being tailed. Maybe he can hear but does he know what it means? Maybe it’s just background noise to him if he’s not actively listening for it. I’m assuming that the one tailing Shinichi is a private detective hire by Ryoko so it’s his job to care what Shinishi does 😅 Lol at the teacher telling him just to go home and Shinichi just standing up and leaving. The last scene with the detective, I think for now Shinichi needs to concentrate to ID what he hears otherwise it’s just random noise that is why he didn’t know he was tailed. I don’t know what the detective expected just standing here so obviously outside Shinichi house. Murano is right on one thing. If Shinichi doesn’t talk there is nothing that can progress. Again communication is key. Shinishi is going to break sooner or later if this continues. He can’t keep going alone and now the other parasyte are organised so Migi has to realise that being alone is not going to work in the long run. That is another reason I hate that Kana died. I think she could have understood him better than Murano at this point. I’m also really curious about Ryoko’s plan. There is a lot we don’t know. Maybe you’re right about the baby being somewhat different. Great reactions and great reviews, Catch you in the next reaction. 😋