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Early morning vid. Thanks lex!


It's here !!!!!


That was the toughtes episode for me...many people blame powder for what she did, because their escape attempt was going fine until she f'ed it up...but to be fair to her, SHE DIDN'T KNOW THAT. Vander's cell had no windows, so she didn't see what was happening inside; she didn't do anything but watch, until she saw the mutated Decard throw Vi like a ragdoll, her crawling past the door ON ALL FOURS & he was a few seconds away from busting down the door, tearing everyone inside to shreds shortly after - from her POV (a 7-year-old girl), it was either her bomb or letting them all get killed. I can also understand Vi; it was just such a traumatic moment to lose everyone AGAIN, & after she slapped her in the heat of the moment, she put some distance between them to calm down, afraid she might loose it & hit her again - she was going to go back to save her, but got stopped by Marcus (who seemingly also thought he was saving her life), which Vi never saw...so she thinks Vi abandoned her


This episode broke me :(


To be fair I still think vander would have died trying to protect the children in order for them to escape. Even if powder didn’t do what she did, but I also get what vi is feeling since she just lost her dad and 2 brothers; I wanna they’re brothers because it looks like vander was taking care of children who lost their parents.


The thing I think is interesting that I haven't seen brought up anywhere is the contrast between Jayce and Powder both effing with the dangerous crystals and how it turned out so differently for them. In hindsight you could say Jayce knew what he was doing but he was trying out an untested theory that could have blown up in his face. He was just lucky that his theory was right.


Man they weren’t kidding when they said Arcane is the year's best show animated or not. I didn’t expecting everyone to die. Viktor doesn’t look too much on the bad side in this episode. But you never know. [Piltover] It’s always the land of equality. Equality is rarely true in those self proclaimed land of equality. Powder breaked down when she was left behind. 🥺 And Lex calling it that Powder going to get everybody killed. 😭 Powder already made a weapon out of the crystal, not just threw it. From her point of view, activating it is the best thing since her friends are in the other room and only the enemy are in the main room. Lex you said you[Vander] might survive long enough to get her[Vi] out of there and then die. I’m pretty sure that is exactly what Vander was thinking. He can barely move so last resort to save Vi before dying. When Powder remet with Vi at the end 🥺. Vi had just lost everyone, it's understandable she snapped. Then she realised it. She can’t emotionally deal with Powder and everything that happened right now. I think she had to walk away to cool down a bit. I believe that Vi was going to come back but she never got the chance. I think you’re so right Lex Silco sees himself in Powder. Silco is a much more interesting character in the episode, way more complex than just the evil guy. Amazing show. Your Arcane reactions are the best Lex, you’re one fire 🔥and on point with every comment. That was amazing 🤩 Cheers.


I definitely think that it makes sense to call Vander their father. I think at one point Mylo even said "He's our father, too" (referring to him and Claggor). I thought that relationship seemed pretty realistic. I have a cousin like that. To her, my aunt is "Mom" even though there's no biological relationship or a paper to say that she's adopted. My aunt was just who was there for her, when she was young and in trouble with parents who didn't care. If someone called her biological mother her "Mom", she'd probably laugh.


Nah bruh I ain't mad at Vi one single bit. Her emotions at that moment were completely understandable, she literally just witnessed her whole family die in front of her eyes directly because of Powder's actions, regardless of her intentions.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I was actually surprised that she caught herself after the slap and just ran away to cool off. I totally expected her to say something like: "Fuck off!" or "Don't ever get in front of my eyes again!" in the heat of the moment😯

Eli Kisamo

It's all bad. Powder thought she was saving Vi. Vi just saw her father figure and two best friends die. I think she walked away to cool off, because she immediately retracted at the sight of Powder's blood. Then, upon seeing Silco standing over Powder, she was going to rush in to save her, onlyto get stopped by Marcus. Who was trying to save her from Silco, rightfully so. Silco would have killed Vi and probably Powder too if he felt like she was going to flip at the sight of Vi. This show is heat. Awesome reaction as always Lex. Dope shirt btdubbs.