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Ayy more episodes lol


You look like you are in a mystery/horror movie and discovered some huge secret in the thumbnail. I’ll also give this one an A++


XD I TOTALLY DO! that's too cute. It makes me actually want to watch a good mystery movie or read a good book! any suggestions?


Still in the middle of EP 7 reaction. 👍


F*k Patreon deleting comments just because I made one edit for a typo. I hope this goes trough. The Friend finance guy is a piece of shit but it’s really because what he did to Ali and everything before that he’s a piece of shit. Also the last scene. That was a good comeback from the MC.Yes I’m a dimwit but what those that make you. 😂 The detective swam to another island. I'm surprised they have a cell tower on this other island. 😂 And we get to hear Lexie sing 😅 Well at least hum a bit. Rushing to eat, Maybe they are starving. They only had an egg or a potato a day. 😅 What a stupid rules to put blank and empy bullet in a gun why? She didn’t tell him her brother name nor where he is, 😩 I guess killing each other is part of the game but they still want two players for the last episode, the 6th game, otherwise how are they going to do the last round of betting for the VIP. I think they already bet on who’s surviving the dinner, you need to keep them alive for one more round. Yea right equality until is no longer convenient to the VIP. Well see you soon on ep 9 reaction. Good luck for your meeting monday. 🤗


I was rooting for her 😭


It's not really part of the planned games, but rather just the night between the last & the final game (like the nights where they killed each other after noticing they don't get punished after the food-incident); guess no matter how many people kill each other between the games, they would have intervened at some point to have enough players left for the remaining games - and for the finale, they need at least 2 players. On the gun regulations: as far as I know, rules for keeping a "warning shot" were in US-regulations in the beginning as well, but were removed at some point due to the working hazard when dealing with armed criminals. In other countries, crimes involving firearms are far less common due to less weapons circulating & thus both making illegal firearms easier to notice & black market being less supplied (e.g. where I live, you have to go through physical & psycological evaluation, no drug/alcohol abuse, no criminal record & registration to even get a non-lethal pistol, with lethal guns/ammunition almost completely banned for people not in military or police), so it's far less likely for police to face criminals with firearms at all, so they can get by like that. Also, I heard that in South Korea, police is far more often held accountable for their actions, so they'd be very hestiant to even WANT to shoot a real round unless they can justify it later on if accused of excessive violence later on.


Good luck with that meeting Monday.