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86 1X19 PAT RXN.mp4

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I’ll watch it after finishing my homework, thanks!


Oh crap I’m behind 2 episodes in this series 😬

Sophie biasland x

Everytime Shin is on screen I get nervous It’s usually 70% of the time his usual calm face 20% of the time it’s a slightly wider eyed blank stare and 10% he does an eye twitch or he starts smiling like he is about to completely lose it :( I agree he was being hurtful to Frederica and it was on purpose in my opinion. Her words were hitting home and his eye twitched at one point. There’s too much in his mind right now. By the way this is Ep 18 as last post was a commentary:)

Matthew B

There will be a two week break between the next ep, and another two week break after that for the following ep.


Is not like San Magnolia, But it’s reality no matter what there are always some people against it. In the episode, they said it, it's far from utopia. But much better than San Magnolia. Here they have support and the army is working with them for them. The 3 front diversion attack so they can get a way in. A lot of people are dying. It may be a suicide mission but they done whatever they can to make them succeed including fighting and sacrificing themself on the other front to bait the enemy. It’s a Hail Mary mission but if they don’t destroy the morpho they will keep getting bombarded and a lot of people are going to die regardless, I do believe the president believe in them and a lot of people believe in them. I’m with you on one point tho, I also don’t understand the reasoning of the people against the 86. Like I don't get the behaviour of certain groups of people online these days. At the start of the review 😍, Here the exact quote It's like no matter what they do they can’t win they gonna be hated no matter what they do. You know and at that point you just gonna say, f🤬ck them, f🤬ck everybody f🤬ck what they say. Just do what makes you happy[…] I hate the hater, that feeling of frustration is so strong right now. That great, Lexie you should apply this to your life *cough* livestream *cough* Do what make you happy, f🤬ck the haters. We love you Lexie ❤️. A shoutout for Frederica, she was amazing in this episode. 🥰 Take care 😋


Yes it's important to correct the episode to 18 on the YT for search purpose and bring more people in 👍 EDIT: And everyone go watch it on YT for algorithm purpose. You don't have to actually watch it just play it in full only 9 minutes.


Too many edit now patron won't let me poste it😅 Here the official announcement in JP https://anime-86.com/news/?id=59171 Try to google translated yourself since patron wont let me post and keep deleting. Basically November 27 delay due to production problem and December 11 delay du to special programming.


Just something I wanted to add. For the show and everything. We have a tendency to let a few negative people affect us more than positive people. I'm sure in the Federation they are a lot more people that support the 86 that are those against them, It's just the negative one are louder and affect us more also they are more prominent for plot reason. But it does reflect in real life. A few bad apple can really spoiled everything. Let try to focus on the positive people which in reality are way more numerous than the hater. It's a real switch we have to do. Focus on the good people around us instead of the negative one. It's not always easy since like I said negative affect us more most of the time we have to be aware of it and consciously minimized their influence. Cheers.