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im actually home for this one! A+ thumbnail


Hey. I'm not home so we talk later


I actually did a spit take when you said just rip his dick off. You killed it this reaction. Squid game is continuing to be my favorite series you are doing right now. These are so fun to watch alongside you. Keep up the great work!

Jessica Sutherland

You have no idea how happy I am that you're better now from when we saw you last episode. I sincerely hope that you're doing alright now. Like I've said and have always said, I'm always here if you need someone. I know I'm just someone who pays you to watch your content but I actually care about your well being too. I'm sure a lot of us feel this way too. <3 Also, completely off topic but what do you typically order at Starbucks?? I always see you drinking something from there in your vids haha. Like your ultimate favorite drink??? I'd like to try it sometime lmao. I only order Java Chip's after all hahaha. Need something different in my life. I'm gonna edit my comment about your reaction later! I'm going to Vegas later today so I need to still pack lol but I'll probs edit it by the time I return.


My favorite Starbucks drink is their Pink Drink! Have fun I’m Vegas! I’ve never been so let me know how it is!


Warning Rant ahead I wasn’t sure if I should post this but I did promised myself that I should speak my mind more so here it is. Some context. I just came home and didn’t watch the reaction yet and didn’t watch the 2nd 8pm ish live. I did listen to the 3pm live insta but with half an ear since I was at work. I’m afraid to be a bit out of line here and taking things out of context. This post will have a bit less filter, not that I have many usually but I do try to be nice online. Sorry in advance. 🙏 The live kind of depressed me and pissed me off. It doesn’t seem that your so-called friend treats you with much respect and it doesn’t seem like people you need to be around. You told them 3 times that you're not comfortable with them showing your videos and yet they continue to do it. There is a limit on doing something once for “fun” and keep doing it since it makes you obviously uncomfortable. You’ve said previously that these outings exhaust you. At first I kind of brushed it off but now that doesn’t seem right. It should be fun, relaxing and pleasant. Lexie, are you exhausted because you’re trying to please people that don’t give a shit about you? You shouldn't take BS from anyone, much less people that want to be called friends. You said you had 2 friends, well that is more than me. Maybe that why I write so much on here 😅. I have a lot of acquaintances that could become good friends but right now I don’t have anybody that I would call a real friend. I surround myself with good people, amazing people that care a lot about others. Jerks and assholes get cut off real quick, life is too short to deal with them. What is the use of having friends that exhaust you and don’t respect you? I think there are many great people around and we shouldn’t settle and try to please those who aren’t worth it. Ok it was a lot of venting. But I’m upset about life. Everyone should be surrounded by people that love them, support them and care about them, And way too often it doesn’t seem to be the case. Lexie, I really need some feedback here. Am I completely off base and spouting nonsense? I feel like this comment is overreacting 😅. That is the problem with these online comments. We have very little reply, so it’s hard to judge if we are helpful, appreciated or F*ing annoying 😅. Lexie, I said you don’t need to take BS from anyone and least from me. So if you need me to stop or if I do anything annoying please tell me, I will stop. Now it’s starting to get late in my timezone I'm not sure I’ll have time to watch Squid Game tonight. I have to sleep so I'm not too beat up at work tomorrow. Take Care.


Slightly off topic but has anyone seen the dance practice video that Aespa released where they dance to savage in the red jumpsuits the shapes wear in squid games?


"just rip is d*** off!" - ...daaaaamn, you're ruthless. All others who saw the video were almost rioting on the cliffhanger at the end, meanwhile you just chill & analyze the strategy :D