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early upload 🙂


Mr. A (the guy their fighting) doesn’t see shinichi as an individual only migi, and the parasytes kinda have their own personalities too. This anime is pretty good it’s gonna have a lot of great scenes.


Today I learned that Lexi is a fan of baby back ribs.


Very nice, thank you so much for the reaction! Hope your day is going well!


Hey Fulowin! How are you?! So nice to see you here! I saw that you’d signed up and your profile pic is so cute!! What’s it from? Also, about my day, it started out meh. I was super depressed and unmotivated. Then, at Starbucks, I got hit on and it kinda made me feel better. Happy I guess. The way he did it was kinda out of nowhere so it made me laugh. Lol. Then watching parasyte lofted my mood even more. I’m still stress about work, but I figure I should just take it a day at a time.


Those outta nowhere hit-ons sounding kinda nice yo lol. I'm glad your day got better! Yeah no pressure day by day. And if today gets hard, borrow from tomorrow lol. But I do hope you take it easy, its hard to enjoy your reactions when I know your working too hard. You've got a glow and its awesome! Btw the profpic is sakamoto from Nichijou, very funny cute slice of everything lol.


Sorry and I won't keep nagging ya about working too hard lol.


Okay... did you... by any chance... drop your phone when you replied to me?


Lmao. yep got a nice photo of what looks to be your right thigh lol


I feel blessed lol. You are so adorable it hurts lol.


Yes! Very nice! Keep it up


I really like this episode because of the woman parasyte. It shows that they are all different and there are some you can talk to. It makes it more interesting. I’m not sure I would be interested in just fight of the week type of episode where you just meet a new parasyte and kill them, The Dog, The First Guy, and Mr A, this guy. It would start to get repetitive and boring. But the woman is interesting because they can do so much more with a well developed character. Right now it seems they are just born with very little knowledge of themself. They don’t know how to reproduce. They must be a way to produce more “spore” like things from the 1st episode otherwise they just died out in a generation. So I believe there is much more that the parasyte themself don’t know. And the woman got the right idea to try learn more. The guy is an idiot. From what we’ve seen they are not that hard to kill. Just stab them or kill the host. Sure they are stronger right now but there are much more humans and humans will find a way to kill them. So good episode. 😅 when you said so let just eat the baby 🤔 🤭 😋


Not sure what it is, but it seemed like the audio from the anime was really quiet this time.