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oh my you are doing so many animes right now i am legit surprised by which one you post each day.


1. Mob 2. Slime 3.parasyte 4.86 5.jobless 6. Squid game What’s the 7th one? But yeah I can’t speak for other people but I view squid game as a bonus( a very cool bonus that I am excited to keep watching) so you should take that one at your pace when it comes out it comes out. Obviously don’t speak for everyone but that’s my take.


This show is surprisingly good with Rimuru being so OP. Everything fit well together and makes it enjoyable. This is a light episode, not much to say. There will be more intense episodes later on with more to discuss. 😉 It's good that he is developing relationships with other nations. And Carrion, the Beast Nation ruler, is a Demon Lord, so pretty powerful allies. For my part I don't mind waiting for Squid Game until after you finish Mob or even later. Don't get burned out. You have to enjoy the episode. It's not fun for anyone if you're overworked and not much into the episode. Take Care 🤗


I'll follow my own advice and slow down on my catching up with 86. I still haven't caught up yet 😭 too busy with other stuff and I can't really enjoyed it watching too much at the time. I hope I can get it done by the time the next 86 episode aired so I can watch the reaction as they come out. 🙃


It is always easy to write: "Just take your time, I don´t mind" But from your perspective you probably feel a lot of pressure and a sense of obligation to your patreons and your youtube viewers. I still wanna say it here, as others have done before. I am not watching the shows per se via "reactions". I like to see how other people react to shows I have already seen, to get a different perspective on them. And you are one of the few people that I really vibe with and whose ideas and inputs I really value. So if you have a rough day and you go "I still wanna record to take my mind off" that is fine. If you go "I wanna record today, because I love it" that is more than fine. But doing it due to a "I have to" or a "I feel like I have to" is a no go. I value you as a person and your thoughts, not the "How many shows is she watching now", "How many episodes do I get this week". You are a really passionate and lovable person, do not lose that due to some form of internal pressure. Otherwise it will turn into a "job you love to hate". Watch the shows that you really like, at a pace you feel comfortable with. As for patreon, you can use it as a testing ground (sort of), because most of us patreons will more often than not still stick around, even if you drop a show. That way you can try out a show for 1-5 episodes, see how YOU personally feel about it, before you make a youtube series out of it and thus feel even more pressure to continue the show. If you just don´t connect with a show, it is hard to have genuine reactions to it. And that will tire you out, as you will most likely feel the need to "force out" something entertaining, even though you are not entertained by the show itself. And as many have probably told you before: Take care of yourself. Though I can only talk for myself, I really mean it, when I write something like that. You have to be the top priority in YOUR life And if you have a hard time with something in your life, share it. (at least as far as you are comfortable with) Either in a video or talk to people on patreon, sometimes a fresh perspective is just what you need in a situation where you feel lost or helpless. I saw a Code Geass video where you said "You probably do not care" but I actually do care. How could I not? It is only human to show our feelings and it is only human that we care about the feelings of others - otherwise we would not care for the reactions of others. No one will judge you for it and if they do, they can go "you know what" themselves. You are entertaining us and probably helped some people through hard or dark times with your content, your thoughts or stories of your personal struggles. So thank you for your hard work and all your passion, I really enjoy what you do. Be proud of yourself and take care.


Hi Lexie, I hope you read Animelyze’s post. It's very important. It’s way better said than what I could come up with. I heard you say in the livestream that your job is more important than your mental health. While I understand where you're coming from, your mental health is a key part in doing your job. At my job we had two people going into burnout. And it’s not a day or a week off, it’s several months. The last person took on too much work upon herself. We keep telling her how your jobload? Are you all right? She always answers yes, yes I can manage until she couldn’t anymore. Nobody will think you neglected your job if you take a break here and there. We all see how hard you work. I think the last livestream did you good. Skip a day with a good livestream or not is fine. Your mental health is the most important thing for your job. You are a reactor so we are interested in your opinions, emotions and analysis. It cannot be done if you don’t take good care of your mental health. I wanted to thank you for your hard work. It helped me greatly with my own mental health. When I have a shitty day I’m happier after watching your reaction. When I have a good day your reaction makes me happier. You asked before what makes you our favorite reactor. I think it’s the way you emotionally connect to the show you watch. You said you were an empath, so you have a strong connection with the show and it’s always genuine. It does make the anime experience so much better for me. I’m watching 86 right now, I know intellectually it’s a top tier anime but I feel there is something missing in my watching experience and I missed being able to watch it with you. There is a detachment I can’t bridge by myself and I’m missing this connection. I’m doing my best to catch up because I need this. But watching too much in one go I get even more distance from the anime and cannot enjoy it. Take care, Never stop being yourself but if you don’t take care of yourself you will be only a pale version of yourself. Think about it, if you take care of yourself first you will be doing a better job and it’s better for everyone. ❤️